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QuitschiCOBHC October 31st, 2009 08:06 PM

Turn creation crash
1 Attachment(s)
Hey everyone,

My problem is that during creating this turn the game crashes and i dont know why it suddenly starts doing it.

Does someone maybe have an idea or a solution? i would be very thankful ^_°!

The map can be found there http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=39341

And the game uses cbm 1.6

NTJedi October 31st, 2009 08:41 PM

Re: Turn creation crash
I encountered this type of problem once... basically found it was crashing because the unique helm of amon hotep was bugged when using the summon mummy option. Somehow a patch broke the item which I think was during the days of Dominions_2.

Anyways you'll probably need to run a debug OR go thru the same process as me for finding the problem. Basically I redid my turn from start and gave all my commanders/mages with orders of either research or defend then ended the turn... if you do this and it still crashes then it's crashing from the actions of another player. If it doesn't crash then give your planned orders for 5 commanders/mages at a time and end turn until you locate the specific source of the crash. Yes very time consuming, but if it's an important game it won't matter.

As mentioned earlier the debug may or may not tell you anything helpful.

*Another theory is if you're using a mod and made some changes which broke the mod.

QuitschiCOBHC November 1st, 2009 09:09 AM

Re: Turn creation crash
Thanks jedi

By trying it again i finally got some kind of error message.
It said something about unit 4 and a bad ground, it also showed me the unit screen of some manikin.

Since haunted forest was up i dispelled it and the turn would create without problems.

Upon casting it again the turn creation fails once again.

So i *think* it has something to do with it.

Other than that, what is this "debug", that was mentioned by NTjedi?

Quitti November 1st, 2009 11:04 AM

Re: Turn creation crash
Debug mode/console is a tool mainly meant for the developer stuff, but it can help you find out what's going on in the game. For more info, read this.

NTJedi November 1st, 2009 01:26 PM

Re: Turn creation crash
I wonder if haunted forest is broken for maps which use cave provinces?

Does your current map use cave provinces and/or any of the new battlefield commands which were recently included?

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