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cbreedon January 13th, 2015 07:26 PM

Issues editing or viewing unit
1 Attachment(s)
Has anyone ever encountered this? I right click on a unit and the game freezes and then closes. I am playing Germany and it seems when I right click on unit C2 this occurs. The other units in D2 and E2 are the exact same unit from my modified OOB but they allow me to edit.

The only difference is that C2 was eliminated a couple of games ago in the campaign and since the replacement unit came I have been unable to make changes i.e. rename it from paratroops to FlschJgr. You can't even right click to view ammo etc.

I am stumped and really don't want to delete the campaign and remake, so any help would be appreciated.

I have attached the game and oob.

shahadi January 13th, 2015 08:01 PM

Re: Issues editing or viewing unit

Originally Posted by cbreedon (Post 827821)
The only difference is that C2 was eliminated a couple of games ago in the campaign and since the replacement unit came I have been unable to make changes i.e. rename it from paratroops to FlschJgr. You can't even right click to view ammo etc.

I do believe, once a unit is KIA, it is KIA right, as you said: "...is that C2 was eliminated." So, I take away that he's gone and therefore, you cannot edit the guy, repair damage or anything of that nature. Just let him RIP.

Now the question, is the KIA status persistent even over replacement units? If so, well you our of luck and DIS. There might be a work around, so thanks for posting and uploading the files.

cbreedon January 13th, 2015 08:21 PM

Re: Issues editing or viewing unit
Yes he was KIA'd but between scenarios I used repair points to bring him back. I have done this many times in campaigns without any issue.

shahadi January 13th, 2015 08:33 PM

Re: Issues editing or viewing unit
I used the D-key in the Editor. I made the files as scenarios and then D-keyed C2 unit.

Will continue to play with it.

shahadi January 13th, 2015 11:49 PM

Re: Issues editing or viewing unit
1 Attachment(s)
I managed to rename C2 from Paratroop to Flschjr after saving the two files in the scenario folder as scenarios. Once there, I opened Editor and using the D-key changed the name, saved the scenario, closed winSPMBT, and copied the scenario files back to SpSvoo2 dat and cmt.

Not sure if this is a true fix, but here are the files for loading back into the campaign.

cbreedon January 14th, 2015 03:52 PM

Re: Issues editing or viewing unit
Thanks Shahadi
The name changed but still if I right click on C2 the game crashes. Is that happening to you as well or can you right click the unit?

Sometime you need to do that to check ammo remaining and turn off weapons etc.

shahadi January 14th, 2015 07:54 PM

Re: Issues editing or viewing unit

Originally Posted by cbreedon (Post 827839)
Thanks Shahadi
The name changed but still if I right click on C2 the game crashes. Is that happening to you as well or can you right click the unit?

Sometime you need to do that to check ammo remaining and turn off weapons etc.

I did not experience a game crash so I can not address that issue without hands on with the campaign. So, can you load the campaign.

In the meantime click on C2 unit then open the Unit Menu, there you can see status of weapons. As far as putting weapons on safety, you can set range and/or filter.

cbreedon January 14th, 2015 09:18 PM

Re: Issues editing or viewing unit
Interesting... I used the Campaign Generator to make the campaign, so how do I 'load' it?

shahadi January 15th, 2015 12:25 AM

Re: Issues editing or viewing unit

Originally Posted by cbreedon (Post 827843)
Interesting... I used the Campaign Generator to make the campaign, so how do I 'load' it?

I meant, can you load the campaign files in the forum. That way, I can play with the campaign and see if the issue replicates for me too.

cbreedon January 15th, 2015 07:14 PM

Re: Issues editing or viewing unit
Since it is a generated campaign, the only files are the ones that I already posted here. it seems like the issue is on my side somehow with this campaign. I don't seem to have issues with any others. I guess this one is somehow corrupted.
Thanks for your help. I guess I'll just re-do this campaign

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