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dmnt March 29th, 2017 07:29 AM

Finland OOB v11
In formation 24 (Bv Jaeger Co) there is a Sniper group (M) platoon 184 that has nationality set to 0. I believe this to be in error as the starting dates set seem to be exactly matching between these formations.

scorpio_rocks March 29th, 2017 07:51 AM

Re: Finland OOB v11
My understanding is that:
Having a formation set to Nationality 0 means that particular formation is not available to be chosen by a player during force purchase - It WILL appear in your force if you purchase the parent formation.

see post #9 here for dev explanation.

DRG March 29th, 2017 09:54 AM

Re: Finland OOB v11
That is a formation built to ONLY be available as part of the larger formation and is a common way to build formations. The US OOB has many like that where large formations are built using component parts of other sub formations that ONLY exist as part of the larger formation. That's been like that for about 6 years or so

Suhiir March 29th, 2017 09:01 PM

Re: Finland OOB v11
Hidden sub formations (the player can't purchase) can be very useful when creating OOBs.

An example is the current USMC OOB. A typical Rifle Company has two Javelin ATGMs, one Hv Sniper Team, and two Sniper Teams. Thus a company is built with two different Platoon formations: one with the Hv Sniper and two with a normal Sniper and a Javelin. Given the option most players would purchase three of one or the other type of Platoon sub formation depending on if they were facing an armored or infantry threat. By making these sub formations hidden players buying a Rifle Company get a typical Rifle Company.

You can always, of course, use the editor to do what you wish regardless of standard OOBs.

dmnt March 30th, 2017 03:16 AM

Re: Finland OOB v11
Thanks for clarification! I did not know it had this functionality and that the Company formation does pick the platoon even if it has nationality id 0. Learning new stuff every day...

DRG March 30th, 2017 08:52 AM

Re: Finland OOB v11
We've been using that since the beginning. It was one way before we got the code to get the AI to buy a more balanced force without allowing the human player to use it......we identified the formations the AI bought over and over then tweaked them and renationalized them so they didn't show up to human players

dmnt April 17th, 2017 03:57 PM

Re: Finland OOB v11
Sorry to bring this up, but some changes have been accidentally omitted or changed for the worse:

Originally Posted by dmnt (Post 834742)
Miscellaneous fixes

Biggest stuff first.

322 - ItPsv Leo 2 AA
Unit has incorrectly inherited T-55 features (speed, armor etc) instead of Leo 2A4. Icon has been correctly changed. :)

321, 322 - ItPsv *
Thermal imaging was ordered in 1996 but the installation wasn't finished until 2002. According to my sources, some of the installations were finished by 2000.
Modify: Unit 322, Vision: 40
Modify: Unit 321, Vision: 40, Start date 1/2000
Add: Copy of current Unit 321 but with start date 8/1992 and end date 12/2002 (unit without TI)

"Vaunuihin tilattiin lämpökamerat vuonna 1996, mutta asennustyö vei kaikkiaan 6 vuotta."
"Vehicles had thermal cameras ordered in 1996 but the installation took 6 years in total."

"Tornien toimitukset tapahtuivat syksyllä 1991. Aseet tulivat suoraan Sveitsistä AseV3:een. Testien ja ammuntojen jälkeen lopullinen hyväksyntä vaunuille tuli elokuuhun 1992 mennessä."
"The turret delivery occurred in fall 1991. Weapons came directly from Switzerland to AseV3 [my guess: Arms Depot 3]. After tests and firings the final acceptance for vehicles happened in august 1992."

The 11.01 OOB has two ItPsv units, 321 (90 AA) and 322 (Leo2 AA) and neither of these has a thermal camera (vision 40) in the OOB data. To correct these:

Modify: Unit 321, End date 12/2002
Modify: Unit 322, Vision: 40
Add: Copy of current Unit 321 with Vision 40, start date 1/2000 to represent the ItPsv 90 AA vehicles after TI installation.

dmnt April 17th, 2017 04:29 PM

Re: Finland OOB v11
Oops, armor values seem to be wrong, too.

Modify: Unit 321, End date 12/2002
Modify: Unit 322, Vision: 40. Copy armor data for hull (and survivability) from Leo 2A4 unit.
Add: Copy of current Unit 321 with Vision 40, start date 1/2000 to represent the ItPsv 90 AA vehicles after TI installation.[/quote]

DRG April 17th, 2017 05:27 PM

Re: Finland OOB v11

Originally Posted by dmnt (Post 838254)
Oops, armor values seem to be wrong, too.

Modify: Unit 321, End date 12/2002
Modify: Unit 322, Vision: 40. Copy armor data for hull (and survivability) from Leo 2A4 unit.
Add: Copy of current Unit 321 with Vision 40, start date 1/2000 to represent the ItPsv 90 AA vehicles after TI installation.


You twice mentioned "Copy of current Unit 321 with Vision 40, start date 1/2000" but neither time did you specify an end date and to avoid this dance again next year that end date would be worth knowing...otherwise I have to assume it's 12/115

DRG April 17th, 2017 05:30 PM

Re: Finland OOB v11

Originally Posted by dmnt (Post 838254)
Oops, armor values seem to be wrong, too.

In my defence I DO remember copying the armour data to that unit...apparently it didn't "stick"

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