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NarfsCompIsBack January 15th, 2005 07:17 PM

OT: Civ3 Complete poll
Is Civ 3 Complete worth getting? Please only vote if you've bought it.

Atrocities January 15th, 2005 07:30 PM

Re: OT: Civ3 Complete poll
Buyer beware I hated the game with a passion beyond comparesson.

Fyron January 15th, 2005 08:45 PM

Re: OT: Civ3 Complete poll
Do not buy. Stick with Civ 2.

Baron Munchausen January 15th, 2005 11:31 PM

Re: OT: Civ3 Complete poll
Opinions I have heard from people who played the expansions (like 'Play The World') tend to run in favor of the game. It got better as they continued developing after publishing. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif The lesson here seems to be not to buy the first release of games anymore than the first release of any other program. Commercial software companies have become so desperately rushed that they always push unfinshed products out the door. The 'Gold' edition or the 'final patch' is now what you want to wait for.

NarfsCompIsBack January 15th, 2005 11:57 PM

Re: OT: Civ3 Complete poll
Well, we'll have the votes in one week. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Elowan January 16th, 2005 02:07 PM

Re: OT: Civ3 Complete poll
I much prefer CivII

Caduceus January 16th, 2005 04:49 PM

Re: OT: Civ3 Complete poll
Civ2 was almost perfect. Civ3 less so. I didn't invest in the "updates", which to me should be free if you purchase the collector's edition.

Fyron January 16th, 2005 05:14 PM

Re: OT: Civ3 Complete poll
That is what Civ 3 was though, a huge scam to steal as much money as possible from the customer base... Yeah, we'll split the game into pieces and lie to them about adding features such as multiplayer in a patch after they are "fixed," but then instead we will sell it to them as a patch with "new and exciting features" for nearly the same amount of money that they paid for the original game.

Hugh Manatee January 16th, 2005 05:28 PM

Re: OT: Civ3 Complete poll
Don't get Civ 3, get Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri and it's expansion Sid Meier's Alien Crossfire, it's better then Civ3 hands down, especially if you want an update of Civ 2 without to many flaws new flaws. It's map editor is awesome, it's terrain is better, you can actualy design your own units(or have them built for you), and the game is just more fun to play, as it has an overall storyline, and you get to role play your faction.

You can get it in a discount pack(called the Lap Top Pack) with it's expansion for like $20, and it comes with Sim City 3000, a golf game and Red alert 2.

If you do get Civ 3, don't pay more then $20 for it total, I payed $8 for base Civ 3 and $9 for conquests, I have spent 3 less than hours playing them. I bought SMAC and SMACX for $50 and $30 respectively and have logged hundreds of hours, second only to Pokemon, Stars! and SE2.

Baron Munchausen January 16th, 2005 07:15 PM

Re: OT: Civ3 Complete poll
I think the tech needs some slowing down, but I agree that Alpha Centauri is a pretty good game. Didn't know about the 'Alien Crossfire' expansion. Exactly what does the expansion have in it?

I already have Simcity 3000 so I wonder if the 'pack' would be worth it. maybe I can find a SMAC/AC bundle somewhere...

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