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Makinus May 4th, 2009 03:34 PM

SEV Minimize
After a long time without trying SEV (i always prefer SEIV) i installed SEV again, applied the latest patches, the balanc emod, and the Small Systems "sub-mod".

The game is working fine except for an annoying behavior: every time i confirm something clicking one of the lower left buttons (the End Turn, confirming a ship design, etc.) the game minimizes!

If i restore the game it appears like i didn´t clicked the button, then i click again and it goes normally...

I noticed that it only happens when i click in a button located in the lower left region of the screen...

Any idea what can be happening?

Suicide Junkie May 4th, 2009 06:51 PM

Re: SEV Minimize
Sounds like you've got some other app with a popup that is stealing the clicks even though SE5 is winning the fight to draw on the screen.

Try running in windowed mode so you can move the window and see what's going on.

Makinus May 5th, 2009 07:35 AM

Re: SEV Minimize
I´m away from my gaming computer now but i´ll try your suggestion, thanks!

BTW: i wrote wrong, minimize issue is when i click buttons in the Lower RIGHT of the screen...

Suicide Junkie May 5th, 2009 07:50 PM

Re: SEV Minimize
Lower right is often where you'll get those silly sliding popups from certain messenger apps and av programs.

Makinus May 10th, 2009 07:37 PM

Re: SEV Minimize
Just to inform that i resolved the problem... I had the taskbar set to autohide and that was somehow affecting SEV, after i deactivated the autohiding of the taskbar SEV stopped minimizing when i clicked buttons in the lower right of the screen....

BTW: i have WinXP Pro with SP3, don´t know if the same happens with other OSs.


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