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RERomine October 17th, 2010 12:06 PM

Missing Leader
4 Attachment(s)
During the deployment of my 3rd Long Campaign battle, I noticed one of my formations (AG) did not have a unit defined as the leader (PL). When I checked the Roster (Hot-key H) for this formation, it says the leader is Capitano Alfonso, but this person does not exist. I checked the Roster for all formation leader and checked each unit in the company. He does not exist. The formation is missing from the left column in the Roster which lists formation leaders. This problem seemed to have existed in the previous battle as well. I just noticed the issue.

With the PL unit missing or otherwise undefined, it isn't clear if this formation will be missing this layer of rallying. One additional oddity is the company is listed as being commanded by a Sergeant, with the two platoons that do have leaders being lead by Lieutenant of one rank or another. It is unlikely this has any impact on game play, however.

Here is some additional background information. No formations have been cross attached to or from this company. The only cross attachments to take place are formations C through W have been attached to formation B. In the previous battle, the only survivor from formation AG was one crew. The HQ formation, AF, was completely destroyed. There were survivors in the other two platoons, AH and AI, from the company.

Set-up Details

Game Version: v4.25-CD
OOBs: Unmodified OOBs
Battle Type: Long Campaign, Delay 6/40(previous battle), Meeting Engagement 7/40(current battle). Both are in North Africa.
P1: Human Player(Italy)
P2: Computer(GB)

I'm attaching three game saves in a .ZIP file and three screen prints:

SpSv022 - Deployment phase of 7/40 Meeting Engagement
SpSv023 - Last turn of 6/40 Delay
SpSv024 - Save between previous two, after battle, but before refit/replace phase

Mobhack October 17th, 2010 01:31 PM

Re: Missing Leader
I'll have a look at this and see if I can figure out what happened.


Marek_Tucan October 17th, 2010 01:55 PM

Re: Missing Leader
's clear, dead Capitano came back to haunt his company... ;)

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