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BogdanM March 20th, 2012 05:13 PM

Trouble adding new pics with the OOB editor
I'm having trouble importing new pictures in the game. I've done it before (1 year ago) without any problems but now it doesn't seem to work anymore.

I've downloaded the trial version of Corel PSP X4, resized the pics to 180x60 (2:1 ratio), greyscaled, sharpened and tried both palletes "JASC_WINSP_ICON_PALETTE.pal" and "JASC_WINSP_PICPAL.pal". I than save the picture as .jpg and than manually change it's format to .lbm. Any idea what am I doing wrong?

edit: Btw the message I get when i try to use a new picture is "Invalid file". Also the game is patched to v5.5

PopskiPPA March 20th, 2012 07:19 PM

Re: Trouble adding new pics with the OOB editor
What do you mean by

Originally Posted by BogdanM (Post 799120)
than manually change it's format to .lbm.


I hope it's not just renaming the extension from jpg to lbm, because that won't work. You have to convert the file into the other format or save it as lbm in the first place.

Other people can surely tell you which program to use.

DRG March 20th, 2012 07:49 PM

Re: Trouble adding new pics with the OOB editor
JASC_WINSP_PICPAL.pal is the only palette you need for PIC's but please explain WHY you would feel the need to convert to JPG first ?

If the graphics program you are using does not support LBM format you will never get it to work in the game and it sounds to me as well that "manually change it's format to .lbm" sounds like you are simply changing the extension from JPG to LBM.... they are entirely different formats and you won't fool the game into thinking a JPG is an LBM


BogdanM March 21st, 2012 01:37 PM

Re: Trouble adding new pics with the OOB editor
Well actually that's exactly what I was doing, renaming the files, which does actually work in most cases, but I understand that its not the way to go in this case. So it's pretty much mistery solved about what I was doing wrong. The problem now is that the trial version of the PSP can't save the picture as lbm. Any suggestions what free software can I use to change the jpg into lbm?

Rosollia March 21st, 2012 02:13 PM

Re: Trouble adding new pics with the OOB editor
PSP X4 sertainly does not support the ancient LBM / IFF Amiga picture format. I think the last version of PSP that had the support for it was version 6 or 7 from 1999.

However Ultimate Paint supports LBM and has a freeware version: http://www.ultimatepaint.com/download.php
Download the "Ultimate Paint Standard 2.88 LE (Freeware Edition)" from that site.

DRG March 21st, 2012 02:31 PM

Re: Trouble adding new pics with the OOB editor
PSP 8 supported LBM but I disliked the change to the interface and went back to PSP 7.04 and that's what I have used ever since for game graphics or for home personal use.

I took a quick look around at it seems this link allows a free download of the older versions of PSP



Cross March 21st, 2012 02:38 PM

Re: Trouble adding new pics with the OOB editor

Originally Posted by BogdanM (Post 799205)
Well actually that's exactly what I was doing, renaming the files, which does actually work in most cases, but I understand that its not the way to go in this case. So it's pretty much mistery solved about what I was doing wrong. The problem now is that the trial version of the PSP can't save the picture as lbm. Any suggestions what free software can I use to change the jpg into lbm?

Try this thread here:


There's a LBM tool you can download.


BogdanM March 21st, 2012 03:14 PM

Re: Trouble adding new pics with the OOB editor
Ok so I've downloaded Ultimate Paint, edited a picture, saved it as lbm and then successfully imported it with the OOB editor. The only issue is that UP doesn't want to load the game palette. Is it really necessarily to change the palette? If it is, will it be ok if I edit the picture with PSP, save it as jpg then load it with UP and save it as lbm?

If the answers to my questions are not positive, I will try the tool in the topic you mentioned tomorrow.

Thanks everyone for your help!

PS. I'm trying to replicate some of the missions from the Modern Warfare games, with new maps, weapons, characters. I'm still doing tests and trying to figure out how to get Soap, Price and Yuri get the upper hand against dozens of militias... This mission might be a bit too much but other levels are doable, I've already tried my mapping skills doing the Hamburg level and after a few test I'm feeling optimistic about this project. Anyway if I manage to do anything worth playing I will certainly share it with you guys!

Rosollia March 21st, 2012 04:19 PM

Re: Trouble adding new pics with the OOB editor
4 Attachment(s)
Yes the palette is important.

Attached is a WinSP icon palette converted to a format that Ultimate Paint understands (HTML color codes). The palette files in the games desing folder only work with PSP.

So you load the palette file and then click the box "Limit Colors"
and select "Use Colors in Fast Palette".

Then you save the picture making sure you select 256 colors and check the box "Use Fast Palette".

See the screenshots for more help.

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