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PantherCub August 1st, 2017 07:33 AM

AI counterattack when defending
When the AI is defending, it will invariably mount a counterattack when it has lost some VP locations. On some occasions the AI has managed to wrong foot me and created a serious crisis. Mostly though, this leads to the AI abandoning his defensive positions and his charging troops being mown down at ease by my units. Basically, the AI seems to practice a Japanese Banzai script regardless of what nation it is playing.

Couldn't the AI counterattack be made more unpredictable? As it is now, it is my preferred tactic to take some VP locations until the AI starts the counterattack, hunker down and destroy him and then mop up the rest of the VP locations. After a while it becomes repetitive.

BTW out of curiosity, does the AI act differently depending on what nation it is playing?

Mobhack August 1st, 2017 09:09 AM

Re: AI counterattack when defending
That's the way the AI is set up - after a certain amount of V-hexes (random) are taken it will advance on them (at random times per formation). Since the original SSI AI code is so objective-focussed it becomes easy for the human to lead it by the nose by taking (or not) objective hexes.

Its also not very good at guarding objectives its taken, in the advance etc. so e.g. you can let it take an isolated cluster and later sneak up on it with some scout cars once the main horde has left the area.

Which is why I'm experimenting right now with getting some formations to stay behind and guard objectives rather than take part in the counter-attack, or trundle off into the distance if attacking. Guard formations will stay close to their "guarded" V-hex. Guard formations are only supposed to react to the guarded hex and possibly any fairly close to it, ignoring any objectives far away.

I have already been hit by this code - a German panzer platoon and some grunts doggedly remained in the one V-hex zone when the others all started the march to the main point of attack I had liberated. They needed dealing with individually by my subsidiary attack force.

There is some randomness in the assignment - so you cannot tell if V-hexes have guardians or not till you find some "sticky" formation(s) in the area;).

Still in early days of testing, but if it works it should be in the next release, for the full game holders.

PantherCub August 1st, 2017 09:40 AM

Re: AI counterattack when defending
Thanks for the reply, and thanks for your efforts to improve the game!

I should have added that I am much impressed by the changes in the last update. Especially the British OOB seems to have been improved. Earlier, they used to field ridiculous numbers of armoured cars in random scenarios, but now they have more sensible forces.

Mobhack August 1st, 2017 12:37 PM

Re: AI counterattack when defending
The Brits will still occasional buy a few too many armoured cars - though it was toned down as you have noticed.

Also, if you are Italian, it will usually go large on cruisers rather than infantry tanks since Italian A/T is so pathetic.

Gelainey August 2nd, 2017 07:06 AM

Re: AI counterattack when defending
I also thank you - It is amazing how you have managed to develop this wonderful game and keep it so fresh after all these years. A little unpredictability goes a long way and from time to time I am surprised at what the AI gets up to. All strength to the team!

Griefbringer August 7th, 2017 09:36 AM

Re: AI counterattack when defending
Speaking of the AI counter-attack on delay/defense missions, it also seems to be the event that encourages AI controlled crews that have abandoned their artillery pieces to return to their guns and man them. Prior to that, the rallied crews seem to be happy to just camp in whatever place they rallied at.

Mobhack August 7th, 2017 10:21 AM

Re: AI counterattack when defending
I haven't seen any reluctance for crew to re-man their artillery if they abandoned. Though its usually German, Allied crews with decent rally stats. Those will re-man after 3-4 turns being left alone - often in a turn or 2 if Germans.

What may make some camp out is if they have reached 50% damage - troops with 50% or more damage are noticeably less easy to rally, and may go into "perma-pinned" status if of low morale.

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