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-   -   Chernobyl (Eclusion Zone) as possible battlefield (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=52832)

blazejos February 18th, 2022 08:59 AM

Chernobyl (Exclusion Zone) as possible battlefield
According to article Russians placed some units and even build an pontoon bridge inside an exclusion radiation Zone in Chernobyl on Belarusian side. This place has two advantages in case of aggression on Ukraine. Is empty of any civilians and secondly is a shortest route to Kiev from Belorussia. But this zone is closed for a reason any fights there have threat for fighting soldiers because some radioactive particles are still there inside ground and fighting with especially of use of any artillery my case that this radioactive dust my be again in the air and threat soldiers. I can't even imagine what may happens if places like Red Forest will be shelled https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Forest or Graveyards of equipment. In recent years even an Forest fires were a great threat that radioactivity my go with winds to air and to distant places. Secondly not so long time ago new sarcophagus was build and if something happens there to the reactors because fighting around we may have a nuclear catastrophe. Ukrainians also preparing themself to fighting inside Prypiat so in case of war we may have here a battle on nuclear battlefield first time in history of humanity what is a threat for every one of us if fights became too intensive and too much dust will go with winds.



FASTBOAT TOUGH April 5th, 2022 12:11 AM

Re: Chernobyl (Eclusion Zone) as possible battlefield
Recaptured by Ukraine last Saturday. Damage appears too minimal. Maybe not so much for the Russian troops left to secure the location. Stories "floating" around that they might not have been rotated out as required to minimize radiation exposure.


blazejos April 11th, 2022 01:27 PM

Re: Chernobyl (Eclusion Zone) as possible battlefield
Thank's God they not shelled sarcophagus like in Zaporoshia Power Plant where they shelled close to reactors. But They looted lots of equipment even Caffemachines and forks. They looted important laboratory https://nypost.com/2022/03/23/russia...ctive-samples/ and they dig trenches inside "Red Forest"

Many of Russian soldiers from unit which stationed in exclusion zone are now in Hospital in Gomel Belorussia and treated for radiation sickness because they not take any precautions -dig trenches - drove heavy vehicles around and inhaled during that radioactive dust from ground. Probably even if their commanders know that in Chernobyl you can't made this they don't care about their soldiers they were just cannon fodder for them and now they can just die.

blazejos May 18th, 2022 08:14 AM

Re: Chernobyl (Eclusion Zone) as possible battlefield
Now since Tuesday night the Red Forest is burning

https://twitter.com/EMERGENCYPILL/st...46263106445315 :(

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