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edox July 5th, 2023 04:40 PM

AI doesn't buy/deploy mines and obstacles
playing with the latest patch, I noticed a weird thing: during a defensive battle, the Player 2 AI doesn't buy minefields or obstacles. This happens even if the opponent isn't part of the Ottawa Treaty, or when the Treaty didn't even exist! With the same Year/nations matchup, the AI buys minefields as it should if set to Player 1.

I have made many trials over a wide range of years and with several nations, letting the AI do the buying and deploying.

Has any other noticed it? Is there any workaround? It means that in any campaign, the AI opponent (being the Player 2) won't ever buy mines.

Mobhack July 5th, 2023 05:09 PM

Re: AI doesn't buy/deploy mines and obstacles
AI player does not always buy field defence points, its a random choice to buy a batch as it loops through the purchase code many tmes over. A chance which can result in a "nope" for the choice - thus perhaps wasting any points the attacker has invested in breaching kit and engineers.

So, sometimes none may be bought, sometimes quite a lot and usually at least some. It's that random number thing again.

Same as it doesent always buy planes even if it has flights allocated to it, thus wasting any player points spent on AAA in anticipation of enemy air. Nor does it always buy off-map batteries (may buy a heavy mortar platoon or rocket troops instead).

The AI purchase code is complicated and based on many factors (e.g. it may like SS troosps for a given battle date versus a particular opponent, e.g. Canadians in Normandy)

So not a "bug" - but a feature. You just saw one of the times that after many passes through the buy loop, it has said "no thanks" to all mine buy choices.

edox July 5th, 2023 05:31 PM

Re: AI doesn't buy/deploy mines and obstacles
Unfortunately, I think that it might be a real issue.

Just to be sure, I just did another test run. Freshly installed and patched free-version of SPMBT: USA vs USSR 1967, letting the AI do both sides' buying/deploying.

USA (P1) assaults USSR (P2): the USSR AI doesn't buy/deploy a single mine in 10 consequent tries (!).

USA (P1) defends against USSR (P2): the USA AI buys/deploys mines every single game, in 10 consecutive trials.

Added to the dozen or so trials I did earlier, with several nations and different eras, I think chance must be ruled out. Perhaps it's an issue with my system, but it's still happening with a fresh install. It didn't happen until the v16 patch (I did a couple of trials per patch while reinstalling them).

Suhiir July 5th, 2023 05:52 PM

Re: AI doesn't buy/deploy mines and obstacles
Run into a similar issue.
Working on revising scenario 37 and I can spend points on defenses/mines for North Korea BUT when I go to the deployment screen to place them the points I'd spent have reset to zero (0) so I cannot place anything, trenches, wire, mines.

And I seriously doubt North Korea signed the treaty (but I'm to lazy to look up if they did).

edox July 5th, 2023 06:12 PM

Re: AI doesn't buy/deploy mines and obstacles
Ever weirder: just found that if you go to the editor and deploy some mines as the P2 in a random scenario, or if you load a scenario that already has some mines for the P2, then the next time you set up a random battle (but only for one game) the P2 AI finally buy mines... and it seems that the amount of mines bought in this new random battle is directly linked to the number of obstacles build-points available in the scenario just before opened in the editor (!).

It's as if the AI is "remembering" build points from another scenario: if I go to the editor and spend 20 points buying mines, then exit, the next random battle the defending P2 AI will roughly deploy 20 points of mines. If I spend 200 in the editor, the random battle P2 AI will deploy 200 in the next game.

Mobhack July 5th, 2023 07:43 PM

Re: AI doesn't buy/deploy mines and obstacles
Looks like there may well be a real bug here.

I tred 20-25 WW2 AI-everything assaults with random opponents/defenders and some where I exited the game between tries, some after another attempt (to see if there was any "memory" of preious mine points bought).

Way too many of the battles had no field defences!

So looks like it needs thouroughly investigating - though IIRC, absolutely nothing has been changed in the AI purchase code. So if it is somethingthen its not that!. Defenders with a no-buy of engineer stores should be a very rare thing, I was seeing say 50% of the pairings being mines-clear.


DRG July 6th, 2023 07:47 AM

Re: AI doesn't buy/deploy mines and obstacles
This issue appears to be intermittent or caused by some unknown preference setting perhaps

Date in all cases is June 2024

I just let the AI set up two games Ukraine vs Russia with Russia defending and both times the Russian AI bought mines......but ONLY mines

Tried again with South Korea vs North Korea with the North defending and the AI bought an abundance of mines but no wire or DT's

The next test was something a little different. Albania vs Albania and in that one mines AND wire was bought

The next was the Swiss assaulting USMC. No mines etc were bought but as noted, sometimes that does happen

Then I tried China vs China and no mines etc were bought

I exited the game and tried again China vs China and this time mines and wire were bought

I tried the Swiss assaulting USMC again and USMC did not buy mines etc

USMC assaulting GB ......The GB AI did not buy mines etc

Russia Assulting Ukraine did not generate mines etc

Ukraine Assualting China did not generate mines etc

Restating the game I tried the original UKR vs Russia test... Mines and Wire bought

What I did not see any of was DT's in any test so it's hit and miss if mines are bought or not but it always was. We need to look into this but my suggestion to try is if you seem to be into a No mines etc rut try rebooting your computer. The game uses a random number generator to ensure the same thing does not happen over and over but sometimes in one sitting that CAN generate the same thing over and over becasue of the RNG

DRG July 6th, 2023 11:39 AM

Re: AI doesn't buy/deploy mines and obstacles
Restarted the computer after 3 hours--EDIT ... all of these tests P2 is the defender

The first game was Pakistan V Georgia with Georgia defending and mines and wire were bought

Second test game Tanzania vs China and the Chinese AI bought both mines and wire

Third was Russia Assaults Germany and the German AI did NOT buy anything

The fourth game was the reverse Germany Assaults Russia..... the Russian AI bought mines and wire

The fifth was Slovkia assaults China.......the Chinese AI bought Mines.. no wire this time

Finally Mozambique assaults Kenya... The Kenyan AI bought mines so I am NOT finding the "bug" others seem to be finding. What I do see is a total lack of DT's being bought but as for no mines/wire......... most times it buys, and sometimes it does not..... the sometimes does not is normal

All battles were set up as before June 2024

Suhiir July 6th, 2023 03:29 PM

Re: AI doesn't buy/deploy mines and obstacles
Want a copy of my currently "in progress" Wolmi-Do scenario where I can purchase defenses/mines BUT then I swap to the deployment screen they're not available?

DRG July 6th, 2023 06:49 PM

Re: AI doesn't buy/deploy mines and obstacles
Sure, post it and I'll take a look

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