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Old March 1st, 2001, 07:31 PM

WhiteHojo WhiteHojo is offline
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Default A pirates life for me...

Seems that todays topics are leaning toward new race types (saw one on making silicoids and another about a gypsie type race)...

Thought I'd throw in my idea (actually someone eles mentioned it quite awhile back but I never saw any more info on it).

The idea is obvious from the title of this post - PIRATES!!!

OK - we have a topic, so now we (meaning I) need some ideas, feedback and help.

I've just done a quick setup of possible options and research areas that a pirate race would need/start out with.

The Race name should be "Corsairs" - always thought that was a neat sounding name.

empire type - Confederation - a loose collection of clans/planets that make up the Corsair community/confederation.

Title - need some help - was thinking either Grand Admiral (sounds awfully official/governmental for a bunch of cutthroats) or King (as in Pirate King)

Environment - Carbon Dioxide - just cause...

Planet type - either ice or Gas Giant - I thought the Corsairs shouldn't be on a rock - too many of those planet types and ice or GG seem to be a little rarer (espicially playing w/limiting colonizing to home world types only - my personal favorite right now) - want to keep the # of their planets below those of other races (rock type particularly)

I toyed w/the idea of setting em as Renegades but decided against it - went with neutral instead - any help/ideas here wld be welcomed

Demenor - Impulsive - if you can't be impulsive why be a pirate?

Happiness type - Bloodthirsty - of course.

Special racial traits - also off the top of the ole head:
propulsion experts - +1 movement - they should be the masters of the seas/space

Advanced storage tech - 120% - used to making the most w/limited space - seemed appropriate

Hardy Industrialists - 125% planet SY - didn't like the name of this trait but felt the increased SY rate would fit a race that lives/dies by its fleets.

Temporal Knowledge - liked the shield depleted wpns of this race as well as the Temp'al SY - once again, they are a space goin race

The ship design name file should be a list of classic/historic ship names - unfortuanately, my cupboard is bare of this type of info - a little help maybe?

Minister style - aggressive - why not?

and now the individual racial traits:

-10% to Research: they should take tech from others via ship capture (which I believe should be a VERY big part of this race) and not research it.

-5% to Reproduction: Limits the pop

+7% to ship Attack & +5% to Ship Def: thought about just goin w/+12% to SA but spread it out - pirates should be good at space warfare

-20% to Trade: pirates are not the most popular people in the galaxy and not many will openly trade w/em

-15% to all resource production: Not good miners, farmers, etc... they're pirates!!!

+10% to SY Const Rate: they should be experts at building ships

+6% to Repair: ships are they're life, so they should know all the tricks to fixing em.

+10% to Maint Reduction: Wld like to have this even higher but couldn't figure out where to get the extra from - this allows for large standing fleets.

As far as research priorities, I haven't really delved into that aspect yet. (also, I'm not sure my skills are up to moddin a research file just yet - any help would be verr welcome)

my thoughts are that ship capture should be the main goal of this race (not so sure planet capturing would be that high though? Maybe they just like to plunder, ie. destroy, planets instead of capturing (permanent) em?) My experience on ship capturing is you need shield depleting wpns of some type, either normal or the temporal type. You have to have good shields yourself and fast engines - to get close enough to board fast w/o getting destroyed. So those types of techs should be high priority.

Better stop for now - post is getting a little long... any feedback would be appreciated.

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Character is best defined as that which you do when you believe nobody is watching.
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