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Old November 24th, 2003, 11:00 PM

Manathor Manathor is offline
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Default Re: Slot Modder and You


I have a problem that is driving me crazy. I added a new ship type, the Abbidon Superdreadnaught. I used the Abbidon battleship as my templat, I increased the tonnage and then used slotmodder to move the rear firing weapon points to the front of the ship. I moved the hull spaces that were there to the back to replace the hardpoints. Bottomline, I didn't delete or add slots, only moved some around.

My problem comes with the firing arcs of the moved hardpoints. I changed them from a rear firing arc to a forward arc. When I go to buy the ship in the shipdealer, the arcs appear correct, but once I buy the ship and go to put components in it, the arcs revert to rear firing, even though they are in the new spots in the front of the ship. ???????????

Any ideas why this is happening. I checked the text file and the hardpoints have the correct firing arc. It seems that the game is pulling information on firing arcs from somewhere else.

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