Thread: CBS
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Old September 20th, 2004, 12:11 AM
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Default Re: CBS

You got me.... I miss read the article - Sunday Sept 19th Columbian. (Page A10 Second collum of the news story "The Lessons Of Rathergate.") I apologize for the confussion.

Eventually the Old Media took another look and, using news-gathering expertise unavailable to bloggers, chased the story all the way to a Kinko's in Texas.
From MSNBC - (Cleared things up.)

Strong, the former Guard officer, said Last week that when Rather showed him the documents, they contained a header showing they had been faxed to the network from a Kinko's copy shop in Abilene.
Virtually every document specialist and viable news source, except CBS, are calling the memo's "Modern Day Forgeries."

"I know Dan Rather is right," Marian Carr Knox, a former secretary in Bush's Guard unit, recalled saying. The neighbor said she should do something about it. So she called a Houston newspaper, Knox told CBS, but did not get a call back. Dallas Morning News reporter Pete Slover soon tracked down Knox and showed her copies of the Killian memos.

"These are not real," declared Knox, who said she handled Killian's memos. "They're not what I typed, and I would have typed them for him."
Now I am not questioning wether or not Bush received favorable treatment while in the TexANG, to think otherwise is just silly, what I am questioning are the memo's.

I have read and according to FOX, the rumor mill is ablaze that these memo's were dilibrately made to discredit CBS news and Dan Rather. I am sorry, but I find that laughable to say the least. CBS thought they had a smoking gun, it turned out it was not. They wanted to save face in the intensifying light of the truth, and they hurt their crediblity. These things happen. Remember the exploding chevy trucks that Date Line faked?

I have no doubts that CBS honestly felt that the memo's were real, or at least had a more likely than not that they are real mentality toward them with the view that if they were not authentic, that it would be up to the white house to prove it, and that was a huge mistake given all the Blogs out there.
And an article in the Sunday Columbian ( ) - by Beth Gillin.

And as much as I hate the thought, I feel Kerry has this election in the bag. (Thanks to brillant election tactics and under handed tactics and the support of the liberal left main stream media.)
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