Thread: Bad Ruling
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Old June 30th, 2005, 08:46 AM
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Default Bad Ruling

Below is a rant over the bad ruling the US Supreme Court made regarding Property Owner Rights against government seizures. If this rant offends any one please be advised that it was not my intent to offend you or insult you in any way. If you offend easily then please do not read past this point. Thank you. Comments welcome so long as they follow the forum conduct guide lines.


In response to the US Supreme Courts ruling that supports the unconstitutional seizure of private property by government under the bribable excuse of "in the publics better interest," I dedicate this letter.

The US Supreme Court's endeavors have been getting a lot of deserved negative attention recently. Let's start with my claim that some people don't seem to mind that The US Supreme Court has just spat upon the US Constitution and blatantly lied about why it has done so. What a benighted world we live in! While I do question The US Supreme Court's motives, it is easy to understand their point of view, greed. Greed is good for the economy, greed is good for the pocket book, and greed is good for growth, which in turn is again good for the economy. As far back as I can remember The US Supreme Court has stood for what was honorable about America. However this most recent ruling, coupled with a few more questionable rulings of late that directly interfere with the voted in desires of many states, has brought me to the precipice of questioning the absolute moral and personal motivations of many of the Justices on the Supreme Court. You know, it strikes me that I have traveled the length and breadth of this country and talked with the best people about many of the topics that have come and gone over the years. However this latest one, the ruling that paves the way for mobster motivated socialistic approach to seizing a persons property under the unbelievably corruptible guise that its in the best interests of the public has taken the faith I had in democracy and flushed it right down the toilet of a Nazi German Gestapo head quarters toilet. If you think about it, only a naïve population would allow people who live without any sense of limits in charge of guarding the henhouse and then be shocked when the foxes eat the hens.

There is no sadder truth in this instance, that proves that the pen is truly mightier than the sword in so much as it has, at the hands of the Supreme Court, just signed away one of our nations most fundamental beliefs, that we are protected from illegal search and seizures. Now any contractor with a politician in his pocket and money to be made can force you out of your home for pennies on the dollar by simply having the government seize your property for the betterment of the public, and without a doubt, not a single court in the land will hear your case because in the end, they know that you are fighting a lost cause.

I can only speculate at the level of corruption that has led to this ruling. I sit here typing this post wondering how many of the Justices own construction, and or other related contract business which will profit from this land mark right killing, freedom destroying decision.

No farm, no home, and no businesses are safe now. Your home and life savings are now worth what ever some bribed politician is willing to pay you for it. Despite contrary belief, Rome was not conquered from the out side; it rotted from the inside out and collapsed in upon itself in the face of a strong wind. I fear that this is only the beginning for us as the roots of our great nation, the constitution, is systematically killed off by corrupt, politically motivated rulings. It is treason against the people of this nation and those who just assassinated one of our constitutional rights are the same who would judge those charged with it. After all, they are the court, the judges, and ultimately the ones in power for life.
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