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Old March 26th, 2006, 02:11 PM

Grymnyr Grymnyr is offline
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Default Re: Dominions II: Technical/Hardware Issues

New Player, new iMac user (new Intel iMac OSX.4)
-Can't complete upgrade with iPatch
-Can't add mods or new maps

1) When running iPatch, it gives me the "cannot complete patch. Some files missing or locked."
I am not a Unix-guru, so while I can log-in as root and view the files under the "" I have no idea how to reset any permissions specifically to allow the Patch to upgrade from 2.02 to 2.14 (or 2.16). This is important because my gaming group have already upgraded and I need to be compatible with their settings.

2) Again, while I can view the sub-directories and Resources of the "" is there another way to add mods or maps other than within the terminal using Unix commands? That said...where, exactly, should these assets/files be added.

3) Last, concerning environmental variables -- where are these set and how do I change them to allow some of the functionality (resolution, etc.) that otehrs mention on the boards/forum?
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