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Old April 20th, 2006, 09:33 AM
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Default Re: Magic Items Suggestions

some ideas :

gem purses...

Gem Purse (greater misc item, around astral 3-4) : this magical bottomless purse stores gem in an astral space connected to all other gem purses of the same nation in the vicinity. A mage using one of these bags may take gems during combat in the inventory of any other character carrying a gem purse in the same province (the gem inventories of all characters carrying gem purses in a battle are merged for the battle engine).

Gem Summoning Purse (astral 3-4 very powerful misc) : this magical purse is connected via the astral plane to your laboratory. A mage carrying this purse may exchange gems with your lab, even if he's not in a province with one. Summoning gems with this kind of purses needs concentration and is not possible during combat.

The Purse of the Infatiguable (astral 5-6 misc artefact) : The Shadow Seer Terzahn of the Nexus, creator of this purse, is supposed to have won a 13 days long fight against the endless hordes of Hades, and was then called Terzahn the Infatiguable. Anyway, this battle was the last the forces of the Grey Tower of Nexus have won. The war was lost, probably a result of the gem bankrupt following this victory. The character carrying this purse, if he needs gems during combat, will summon and instantaneously use gems taken in your laboratory to stay conscious as long as you have gems in your stock.

Some powerful hand items for mages...

(school x) Specialization Staff (two handed magical staff, very powerful items or artefacts, level 7-8 in a school, 1 version for each school) : the specialization staves are only usefull to a mage proficient in several schools of magic. When wielding a Specialization Staff he looses his powers in all schools but the one of the staff, but his proficiency in this one is greatly increased. (magic bonus : 1 point for the first point he had in other schools, + 1 for two more total levels in other schools, +1 for 4 more levels, +1 for 8 more, etc... - ie : a fire 3 water 3 astral 2 earth 2 mage carrying a fire specialization staff will become a fire 6 mage ; a fire 3 astral 10 earth 5 with the same staff will become a fire 7 mage)

Wand of Chaotic Evocation (one handed, very powerful item, 6 blood) : this wand infused with blood and chaotic essence will reveal its powers only in battle, making its wielder able to cast random evocation level 4-5 spells when the order ‘cast item spell’ is used. The effects of these random spells will be proportionnal to the skill of the wielder in blood magic (for dammage, etc... each spell will be considered casted by a mage having a level in each school needed equal to the level in blood of the caster) but the activation of these chaotic powers is very tiring : the user will get 100% of the fatigue cost of each spell casted with this item (the fatigue a mage having just the minimum skill would get if his skill in the spell school is 0).

Staves giving a school bonus –Staff of Conjuration, of Evocation, etc....- (two handed, very powerful, level 4-5 in one path, for example nature for conjuration, fire for evocation, astral for enchantment, death for thaumaturgy, air for alteration) +10 bonus for rituals and 20% fatigue reduction when casting spells of this school in battle.

Wand of Magic Detection (minor item or trinket astral 2-3 or astral 1 nature 1 one handed) : this wand adds one to the level of its wielder in each practiced schools, only when searching magic sites.

Greater Wand of Magic Detection (greater astral 3-4 or astral 2/nature 2 one handed) : this wands adds one to the level of its wielder in all schools only when searching magical sites (even schools the wielder doesn’t practice).

Ultimate Wand of Magic Detection (very powerful or artefact astral 5 or astral 4/nature 3 one handed) : allow its wielder to find all the magic sites in his province when searching.

More items for smiths :

Intelligent Hammer (two handed hammer, greater or very powerfull item, earth 2 astral 2) : this intelligent forge hammer gives to its wielder a minimum knowledge of one in all schools of magic, only usable to forge items (all items needing a level one in any school become craftable, but his level in schools already practiced is not improved, also, as the intelligent hammer is two handed and has no forge bonus, the items created with its help will be quite expensive).

Dwarven anvil (misc, earth 3 fire 3 greater item) : this anvil, creation of the dwarven smiths, increase the efficiency of a good hammer (forge bonus x 1,20).

Trinket factory anvil (misc, greater earth 4 item) : this anvil, another creation of the dwarven smiths, allow its wielder to forge two trinkets quality items of the same kind in a month, and for the price of one.

The Intelligent Anvil (misc, very powerful earth 3 astral 3) : this anvil, like the intelligent hammer gives its wielder a minimum knowledge of one in all schools, only usable to forge items, the only difference is the slot, allowing this item to be used with hammers giving a forge bonus.

The hammer of duplication (two handed hammer, very powerful or artefact, earth 4 fire 4) : used by the ancients titans to equip their armies this hammer, when forgeing items of the “greater” level or inferior will produce two items of the same kind in a month, and for the price of one. Its power is anyway not sufficient to duplicate very powerful items (or artefacts of course), and this hammer has no forge bonus out of its duplication power.