Thread: Machaka
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Old July 1st, 2006, 02:22 AM

Saxon Saxon is offline
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Default Re: Machaka

I tried out a N9E4 bless strategy last night and my, oh my! Those hunters are dangerous, aren’t they! I had them out with a lot of archer support, but that led to supply issues and getting everyone diseased. The thing is, I did not really need the archers…

If one wants to make a Hunter Lord the prophet, be sure to provide good armor. The strength of this strategy seems to be the high hit points available to the spiders themselves, rather than the riders. As I found out the hard way, once the prophet rider dies, you are limited to two misc. magic slots…

The only real problems I ran into were large groups of heavy cav, as they can stand up to the spiders for some time. Once their infantry flanked me, I started to take a lot of hits and one casualty. Of course it was the prophet... Independents were on nine, and I was running six spiders. At lower levels of independents, this is a very strong starting force, thank you for the suggestions.

I did manage to equip a basic BS, but he went east and Ermor came west, so the life stealing was not that impressive… However, the potential is clear and I will play with it on the restart. After all, my best troops were diseased, my prophet was dead, my thug was dissolved and Ermor was walking over the east. Lessons learned…
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