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Old August 8th, 2006, 03:45 AM
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Atrocities Atrocities is offline
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I don't know why people choose to believe this conspiracy theory that the US Government, specifically GW, organized the 9/11 attacks and that the towers were taken down via controlled blasts. Any one who has half a brain would know that structurally the building collapse under its own weight and those "blasts" were the result of air being forced out from between the floors as the compression from the collapsing floor above it came down. In fact the very people who build the buildings proved conclusively, that’s without a doubt, how and why the buildings fell.

As to the missile attack on the pentagon... ok tell that to the families of the people who died both on the plane and in the building.

This is akin to the nuts that went around saying Clinton knew that the bombing in Oklahoma (sp) was going to happen. Its just pure tripe being voiced by people out to sell books and make a name for themselves in the conspiracy community.

The sad truth about this is that any good American may not believe this crap, but would, and unfortunetly have, die to defend a persons right to say it.

Is Isriel behind the 9/11 attacks? Forgive me for saying this, but after reading a bit from those links you provided, I get the strong impression that this might be the underlying theme here. Whether or not my speculation is correct I would like to point out that this could be a damn good book idea. I make no joke here, this would make one hell of a good book if a writer could do such a story justice. While no such book may never be written, it does spark ones imagination and desire to see such a book written.
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