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Old February 2nd, 2007, 09:42 AM

Kalin Kalin is offline
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Default 3.06 New Man Spells...

... are all borked. I ran a quick game with MA Man to check them out, and here's the result:

MA Man Spell "Summon Black Dogs" is missing a description, and it summons 20 Baghests instead of Black Dogs, which is a big problem.

MA Man Spell "Summon Baghests" summons 9 Black Dogs instead of Baghests (spell description would be fine if it actually summonned Baghests, but it doesn't, so it's wrong). Not that big of a deal, compared to the above.

MA Man Cu Sith Summon is missing description... (spell description and effect is okay). Just missing flavoring text, no big deal.

So... 3 new spells... each one with it's own problem...

Judging from the fact that LA Man "Summon Black Dogs" is also missing a description, I'm guessing they also have the exact same problem (but I haven't tested it thouroughly to make sure, never got into the whole crossbow heavy infantry thing they got going).

Anyways... right now if you can get 2 death on man, spamming Summon Black Dogs is quite cheap. Of course how to get death on man is another matter all together (pray for neutrals I guess). A quick test run with a death pretender designed to site search and then spam summon black dogs (conjure 2) once researched proved rather evil really fast. Once you get 10 death gems per turn, you're just churning out Baghests... ouch. Looks like it's time for a hotpatch... or is this the vanheim nerf everyone was talking about? (lol)

On a side note... death summons with 100 nightvision for Man? Does this have something to do with the new Early Era Man nation we've been hearing rumors about?
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