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Old April 28th, 2007, 07:44 PM

Shovah32 Shovah32 is offline
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Default Re: Awesome units/spells

Will add more later but for now: decay and phoenix pyre. Decay is absolutely devastating to any SCs/thugs/expensive units without a huge upper age limit. In a test game(vrs myself) recently i had a basalt king with luck, regen, good prot, 100% all resistances, high mr, phoenix pyre(he still died to regular troops sometimes) and upwards of 20 reinvig(with phoenix pyre he was basically unstoppable) get killed because of this little spell. He was basically stomping around a 1000 man army, doing a bit of damage and then dying every few turns as planned. He would blow up, kill a load of guys and then get back to 0 fatigue before he died again but then a single unscripted death mage on the other side cast decay. It hit my king and within a few turns he had a limp, 1 arm missing, battlefright, a chest wound, a never healing wound, was blind, mute and feeble minded among other things and he actually started dying quicker than his reinvig could deal with and was defeated.
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