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Old August 6th, 2007, 12:43 PM
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Default Re: Need a little help with DesignCreation.txt

This worked for me:

Name := Attack Ship
Design Type := Attack Ship
Vehicle Type := Ship
Default Strategy := Optimal Firing Range
Size Minimum Tonnage := 500
Size Maximum Tonnage := 600
Num Must Have At Least 1 Ability := 1
Must Have Ability 1 := Weapon
Minimum Speed := 5
Desired Speed := 6
Majority Weapon Family Pick 1 := 31
Majority Weapon Family Pick 2 := 25
Majority Weapon Family Pick 3 := 0
Majority Weapon Family Pick 4 := 0
Majority Weapon Family Pick 5 := 0
Secondary Weapon Family Pick 1 := 0
Secondary Weapon Family Pick 2 := 0
Secondary Weapon Family Pick 3 := 0
Secondary Weapon Family Pick 4 := 0
Secondary Weapon Family Pick 5 := 0
Shields Spaces Per One := 600
Armor Spaces Per One := 0
Majority Comp Spaces Per One := 1500
Majority Comp Ability := Weapon
Secondary Comp Spaces Per One := 0
Secondary Comp Ability := Weapon
Num Misc Abilities := 11
Misc Ability 1 Name := Shield Generation From Damage
Misc Ability 1 Spaces Per One := 100
Misc Ability 2 Name := Point-Defense
Misc Ability 2 Spaces Per One := 600
Misc Ability 3 Name := Combat To Hit Offense Plus
Misc Ability 3 Spaces Per One := 10000
Misc Ability 4 Name := Quantum Reactor
Misc Ability 4 Spaces Per One := 10000
Misc Ability 5 Name := Supply Storage
Misc Ability 5 Spaces Per One := 10000
Misc Ability 6 Name := Combat To Hit Defense Plus
Misc Ability 6 Spaces Per One := 10000
Misc Ability 7 Name := Scanner Jammer
Misc Ability 7 Spaces Per One := 10000
Misc Ability 8 Name := Cloak Level
Misc Ability 8 Spaces Per One := 10000
Misc Ability 9 Name := Multiplex Tracking
Misc Ability 9 Spaces Per One := 10000
Misc Ability 10 Name := Combat Best Experience
Misc Ability 10 Spaces Per One := 10000
Misc Ability 11 Name := Extra Movement Generation
Misc Ability 11 Spaces Per One := 10000

However, there is not enough space to put all components in, at least if you use the energy weapon.

Remember, that SE4 will add items from top to bottom and then fills up with weapons. The "Majority Comp Spaces Per One" weapon line should therefore only call for 1 weapon. If you chose more it will fill up the design with weapons and nothing else (btw, Malfador did exactly this error in the original SE4 before the first patch arrived).
You need to consider that the "Armor Spaces Per One" line will call the best armor hitpoint wise, not ability wise. If you wish to have the crystal armor, you should call it with its unique ability "Shield Generation From Damage". Else your AI may get better armor from ruins or by a deal and will use this armor instead of the crystaline armor.

For many diverse ship designs and better AI, look here:
For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's futures. And we are all mortal. - JFK
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