Thread: TDM vs P&N
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Old March 20th, 2002, 03:44 AM
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Default Re: TDM vs P&N

The decision has been made; the Vaxin ships must be eliminated before they can regroup into an unstoppable force.
The fast attack escorts raced across the system, and arrived to find the Vaxin fleet slowly advancing on the survivors of Tyrik VIII.
The escorts formed up on the far side of the planet, and the three mobile Hummer class Heavy Bombardment ships broke away from the crippled ships to join the fleet.

The Vaxin advanced slowly, maintaining the densest possible PD profile by including even their crippled ships.
On the other side of the planet, the Canadian Dominion forces silently gathered.
Vaxin Battlecruisers entered maximum missile range, but the Canadians held their fire.
The Vaxin advanced, but the defenders remained silent.
Finally the signal came; all batteries locked. Thirty-one missiles streamed forth, curving around the planet and towards the Vaxin. Space came alive with sweeping beams and almost half of the missiles were struck down.
The remainder slammed into the two lead Vaxin, pulverizing one, but barely scrathing the armor of the other. The Vaxin had chosen their PDL targets well, but they were now losing firepower and were still not within weapons range.
With no other choice, the Vaxin ships scattered and drove towards the fleet. A second wave of missiles punched through the PD fire, and two battlecruisers spewed fire.
The two intact Vaxin ships opened fire on the Canadians, doing minimal damage. Wave theory was abandoned, and the Canadians began scattering missiles everywhere while the one intact capture ship picked its way through the enemy.
The two Vaxin originally crippled did not stand a chance, and were vaporized.
One of the Vaxin managed to pierce the armor on one of the Hummers, and damage the drive section, while the other sped around the fleet's flank.
The first Vaxin ship collapsed under bombardment from all directions, but the second managed to outrun the missiles directed its way.
With the sole remaining Vaxin Cruiser heading for the defenseless colony survivors, the entire fleet wheeled around to pursue, missiles streaming forth.
Seconds before entering weapons range, the Vaxin shields failed, and it fell to the capture ship. An instant after radioing success, a huge bLast erupted. A self destruct device aboard the ship had gone off, but fortunately, it was only partially operational. The starboard side of the ship was wrecked.
The Vaxin ship is still habitable, and has limited mobility, but the most precious component to survive was the fuel tanks.

We have five wounded ships, but only two are hurt bad enough to require external help.

The majority of the fleet must proceed back for reupply, and so, once the remaining supplies are distributed, the majority must move on without the crippled ships.

One Hummer, a capture ship and the Vaxin ship will proceed as they can towards the warppoint to the inner systems. The warships will return by the fourth month, with the first prototypes of the Blazing Fury class Cruisers.

A recolonization force has been dispatched from the Core systems, including Two Hummers and eight full transports of equipment, troops and support personnel. It should arrive less than two months after the fleet returns to Tyrik.
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