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Old May 11th, 2008, 04:39 AM
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Default Re: OT: Soviet Re-Birth

Since I'm Canadian, my opinion on the matter is rather irrelevant but if I were able, I'd give my vote to Obama for one simple reason: He's the only candidate not campaigning on a platform of hate. Clinton, McCain, and most of those no longer in the running, all of their campaign message seemed to boil down to: "Ooooh! Be afraid! I am the only one that can save you from a future of global calamity! Economic disaster! War! Famine! Disease! Death! TERRORISTS!!!" Whereas Obama's message seems to be along the lines of, "If we go running around the place, terrified of our own shadow, we're inevitably going to end up doing something really stupid. So let's just not go down that road." And when you look at it like that, I think Obama's the only one who could repair the damage done in the last eight years. Well, him and Ron Paul, but I'm quite sure Ron Paul is out of the running.

And AT, as much as I hate to say it, it sounds like you've been getting smacked around with the fear-stick just a little too much lately. Truth is not in the eye of the beholder, it is the interpretation of the truth that one must watch out for. I am endlessly amused by Fox News' claims to be "unbiased" because the fact of the matter is that there is not a single person on the face of the planet that is unbiased. And there's nothing wrong with that. But being aware of someone's bias is extremely important, because if you understand their bias, you can understand how it colours their interpretation of the truth, and interpolate from that the actual undeniable truths of what their saying.

Sometimes this is very difficult, sometimes it is quite easy. For example, in the video you posted, as soon as the narrator used the word "Muslim" as if it were incriminating, that set off my Ignorant-Right-Wing-Nutjob Detector, and it was soon clear that most of his opinions had a tenuous relationship to the actual truth of the matter, at best.

To avoid another rant (I have a 1 per day limit ), I'd just like to point out that a massive survey of the Muslim world was completed a few months back, and one of the things they discovered was that somewhere in the neighbourhood of 80% of Mulsims wanted to see an improvement, and a closening of ties between American & the Muslim world. Of the 20-ish remaining percent, roughly 90% said they'd prefer a distancing, and wanted to have as little to do with America as possible. That only left about 2% of the Muslim world wishing harm upon America.

Now, if we are to accept the argument that someone with a Muslim heritage should be disqualified from taking the highest office because a small percentage of Muslims would like to see harm visited upon America, then we would have to disqualify any Christian candidates as well, since a small percentage of Christians believe that America can only be redeemed by the death of the majority of it's population.
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