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Old May 18th, 2008, 03:48 PM

Xietor Xietor is offline
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Default Re: Keep Playing?

On turn 90, Ermor went AI.

On turn 91 only 4 human players remained. Tichy, who was playing Marignon, and who was allied with Arcoscephale, Zoshan, who was playing Pythium, and who had only a few provinces, and Lolomo, who had a good sized empire as MA Caelum.

While I was anticipating putting MA Arcoscephale into the Hall of Fame for the 1st time, and the chances of Arcoscephale prevailing were good, in the end I decided against pushing for victory.

I won the first Epic Heroes Game, and after much reflection, decided it would be in poor taste to win a second mp game using my own mod. In addition to the inherent advantages to knowing your own mod, I also perhaps received some diplomacy advantages as well from being the mod's author and host of the game.

Lolomo carried out a strong campaign, and through his usual
stellar play, managed to conquer one nation early, and win a tough war in the midgame. Lolomo also persisted in the game when he had little hope(in the view of most of the players)
of prevailing.

And such tenacity deserves to be rewarded.

I do want to thank everyone who played in Epic Heroes II. If you have any comments on a particular Epic Hero, they will be considered as the final tweak to the mod is made.

Congratulations Lolomo!
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- General George Patton Jr.
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