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Old May 25th, 2008, 10:47 AM
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Default Re: Pangea Seems to Be Smoking Its Own Undead Weed

DonCorazon said:
Should Mictlan read your suggestion of preemptive attack...

We absolutely acknowledge the existence of some variety of longstanding pact between Mictlan & TC, and that an immediate attack would be an unsatisfying anachronism.

However, we know first-hand that the ministers of TC are not fools: they cannot actually expect their good relations with Mictlan to last indefinitely, and as such, are most certainly planning some swift stroke of treachery to secure their eventual victory. The nature of the beast, so to speak.

I must therefore profoundly disagree with the assertion that a sudden, calculated attack by a cunning deity would be, "no better than had Mictlan gone AI." True, the AI would have attacked TC immediately, as it gets its transistors off watching militia be slaughtered; but such an attack would be unthematic, unsuccessful, and fundamentally unlike the clever dispatch of a vulnerable & overly-trusting future-enemy.

Besides, who's to say that Pagobar's old psyche wasn't actively planning such a move? Or that his new, transmigrated psyche may realize it SHOULD have been?

After all, Pangaean spies - at great personal risk - have secured the following document from deep within the bowels of the TC Ministry of Truth:
Tien Chi internal memo: ULTIMATE WAR PLAN said:
When any large operation is undertaken, it is usually a surprise attack against an ally. The plan is, by a combination of fighting, bargaining, and well-timed strokes of treachery, to acquire a ring of bases completely encircling one or other of the rival states, and then to sign a pact of friendship with that rival and remain on peaceful terms for so many years as to lull suspicion to sleep. During this time rockets loaded with atomic bombs can be assembled at all the strategic spots; finally they will all be fired simultaneously, with effects so devastating as to make retaliation impossible. It will then be time to sign a pact of friendship with the remaining world-powers, in preparation for another attack.
[can't believe I was able to find my copy so quickly... ]
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