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Old May 26th, 2008, 11:57 PM
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Default Re: Russian units v4

DRG said:
I have no intention of entering into a dialogue with you over each and every one of these points but these two caught my eye.
Dear Don and Andy.

We with the great pleasure would would like to enter with you meaningful dialogue on any unit or the weapon in this theme of a forum. We want that you have correctly understood us - we wish to help you with improvement of this excellent game.
On the weapon, units and formations at us it is a lot of data and all these data we plan will share with you. To us it is not difficult. We all it do voluntary and certainly free of charge - because we love this game and we want that it became even better. If you have paid attention, we not only improve our armies, but also we underestimate their characteristics if characteristics of units or the weapon were more low in a reality.
We hope for meaningful dialogue with you.

Yours faithfully.

p.s. sorry for my bad English. I sometimes write the text itself, and sometimes by means of the machine translator.
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