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Old July 17th, 2008, 06:29 AM

K K is offline
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Default Re: Battlefield spell + retreating?

Jazzepi said:
K said:
In case anyone is still interested, a combat using MoD + Retreat can be ended (and won) by killing all the phantasmal units.

Attached games are in this thread:
Way to construct a ridiculously obvious straw man.

Nobody cast a BE that does damage, which is where 99% of the real abuse of MoD comes from, and the army fighting off the MoD cast a bunch of zero encumbrance, life draining flyers with magical attacks, via false horror.

I can't think of anything else that would nearly close to that effective. If you have regular flyers, they're going to get fatigued flying all over the place. *If* they can even fly through storms. If you don't have flyers in the army, then you can't zip around the map fast enough to kill the MoD phantasms.

I mean, really, K. I think you can do better. This is just embarrassing.

I'm actually really surprised that this is what you take from these test games.

It's a proof that MoD is not bugged (spell can end before turn 75), and it's a proof of concept that MoD can be beaten with a small army and a handful of mages who aren't doing anything particularly special (it uses base units and base mages and no special equipment, as well as similar research levels).

It also means that if someone is casting a damaging BE, he would be killing half his own Phantasmal units each turn and actually making it even easier to counter.

In a very real way, it turns MoD from "godmode" to "something the runs the clock on very small armies, much like Quagmire or spamming summons."

This is just my very first attempt, and it shows that:
-A few all-unit spells like Rain of Stones can end it (and you can toss in a round 1 Army of Gold to protect all your units).
-A few battlefield-damaging spells can end it relatively quickly (your army doesn't even need to be immune since the phantasmal units are losing half thier number each time a BE spell's effect goes off, and some undefined number for being magical creatures without magical leadership, so it's a very few turns of exposure for your army).
-Many small squads of archers can end the spell, which is a tactic available on turn 1 of the game.
-A reasonably-sized and organized army can end the spell.
-Small Squads of flyers or fast units can end it, which means everything from summoning dragonflies or air elementals to setting up small squads of black hawks or even calvary.

That's not even counting exotic tactics like fast/flying thugs with void eyes or mundane tactics like having a decent amount of mages with good ranged spells researched.
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