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Old July 25th, 2008, 03:20 AM
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Default Re: New Problem PBEM Camapaign \"Ghost Crews\"I

Sorry a little late getting back to you.

I'm player one.

This was between battles 1 and 2

I didn't leave any units unrepaired IIRC.

I deleted some core formations (yes there were bailed crews)
I replaced them (example replaced Helos with Recce Units)
I really did not upgrade anything replaced it was downgraded if anything due to cost.

Unfortunately Andy I have not been saving all the turns, maybe Wdll has.

I'll make sure I save the lead up turns etc as we move from battles 2 to 3.

Thanks for your efforts thus far.

Bob out.
Eternal War(gaming) PanzerBob

"Whenever in future wars the battle is fought, panzer troops will play the decisive role..."
Heinz Guderian, General der Panzertruppe
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