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Old October 30th, 2008, 05:31 PM

RERomine RERomine is offline
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Default Re: Starting core battle points

Originally Posted by gila View Post
Thanks that answers "that" question.
But leads me to another,sorry,
So, the game gets easier as the campaign progresses?
With added experience and larger core does the AI take that in consideration and have larger force itself or it always the same?
I'm a bit perplexed as it's different in SPWaW.
The answer to the first question is depends on whether you are technologically on the short end of the stick or not. I wouldn't say it gets harder or easier, personally. It just gets different. You have to alter your tactics as things change, same as you would attack a Russian T-34/85 differently than a BT-7.

The answer to the second question, as the value of your core increases, so does the value of what the AI gets to use. Your units get experience, your core value goes up even if you don't change your equipment. Typically, people update their units (unless you want to fight Russians in '44 with PzKw Ib tanks) however and that kicks up your core value, so the AI value goes up as well. Keep in mind however, the value of what the AI has to choose from also goes up, so things tend to stay in the proportions you deal with in early battles. That really depends on who you are fighting.

In my current campaign, my core has gone from 2,500 (09/1939) to around 5,000 (06/1941). I expanded it a bit to fill a few gaps, but generally it's just experience. One PzKw IIIh, which retails for 63 with a 70 pt experience crew now goes for 95 with a 100 pt experience crew. That 95 points will get the British now almost two A13 mk II (at 49 each) instead of a little more than one before. You can kind of see how it goes.
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