Thread: Mod Reign of the Vampiri
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Old November 29th, 2008, 01:15 AM

Loren Loren is offline
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Default Re: Reign of the Vampiri

It looks like I'm going to win against the Mighty AI's--I cut back on the number of AI's a bit and it went better. I've been at war with all my neighbors basically the whole game but I was able to hold them off with assassins (I kept assassins in every province of theirs touching me and kept killing the commanders--while their armies could have walked over my empire they couldn't move because they were leaderless) until the vampire production ramped up enough.

I won't call it won yet because I have now come across C'tis and they outgun me 2-1 but they haven't declared war yet.

A couple of things:

The vampires are described as immortal but they are not. I waited to hit Pangea until I had a candle in the target province because it was going to be a tough battle (*LOTS* of troops had accumulated while my assassins kept killing their leaders.) I lost 1/4 of my army in the strike and nobody showed up in my capital.

The master vampire you get from Blood Trap either shouldn't be able to research or should require a specific "Summon allies" command. As it stands he researches and the vampires pile up. I just completed my research and have over 1200 points/turn.
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