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Old January 22nd, 2009, 08:22 PM
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Lightbulb Re: Pbem vs AI . . In what mode is most of your time spent playing?

Good day, m113apc

Imp covered things quite well. Additionally there is a difference between one off PBEM games, and Campaign PBEM. IMHO (In My Humble Opinion) it boils down to realism. One off games you can commit yourself down to the scout if you want, but in the Campaign PBEM as it is against the AI, conservation of forces is very important, which to me is important, this is not say being wiped out it not possible. Ask Imp he blew me away our last Campaign.

Another point about PBEM that blindsided me when I got back into it, is be very aware the other Commander is human not the AI. Things that work against AI don't against human Commanders. Not that this bothered me as I play to have fun, win or lose.

Rules and pre-game set up are something between the players; these even change over time as you play. Reasons usually with the people I play are an effort to increase the realism. We have even stopped and restarted campaigns just to get things right.

On cheaters, I've never understood the need, but they were the reason I quit PBEM a few years back!

So far though this forum all my "enemies" are Honourable. AND even better yet a joy to do combat with. I always look forward to the next E-mail with the "file".

Another good idea that I do for PBEM is have a copy of the Game loaded just for PBEM, that makes it easier once things are set up and if you are playing with other setting against the AI then the two don't get confused.

Lastly as a personal note, I'm not sure if you have the CD if not I DO play one off games I just prefer Campaigns. You may find if you don't have the CD you may want it play Campaigns PBEM it was a huge selling point for me and I bought MBT as well.

Any other questions feel to ask. BTW have a good EX and do spend time out in the field pondering, " well if I had my Nashorn sited on this rise how many T34's would die before the enemy shells me!!" LOL or maybe you are doing that for real anyway.

Bob out
Eternal War(gaming) PanzerBob

"Whenever in future wars the battle is fought, panzer troops will play the decisive role..."
Heinz Guderian, General der Panzertruppe
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