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Old January 28th, 2009, 01:48 PM

runequester runequester is offline
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Default Re: Advice for american long campaign

For the first 3 battles (against the Japanese in 42) I've had the following:

4 scouts (I picked the Fighting Patrol because it looked interesting, but I realized I was using tehm as harassing infantry anyways, so upgraded them to Rangers with 2 BAR's and flamethrowers)
I'll add some actual scouts again, plus a few snipers (love the little buggers) after this (third) battle.

2 companies of infantry. Very solid, and the triple 60mm mortar section is very useful for suppression fire. These guys generally get to slog towards an objective area, and then dig in and fight it out infantry style.
The disparity in troop quality against the Japanese is telling, but they do well enough.
The rifle grenades have inflicted the odd casualty but nothing exceptional. Im thinking when bazookas become available, I'll upgrade the third squad in each platoon, plus the company command squad to include them, then add a couple of independent bazooka teams as well.

1 company of armoured infantry. Their default gear was M1's and SMG, so I upgraded them to the dismount version, which has a .30 cal. Along with all their half tracks, these guys are doing a lot of hard fighting. I need to spread them out more, as they always get shelled by Japanese light arty though.

I almost always play foot infantry, so having these guys zoom across the battlefield to dig in at an objective just as the enemy is reaching it, is a lot of fun.

Shermans, 2 companies. Not sure what the upgrade path will be here. A few Pershings when they come around late war. Otherwise.. a couple of Jumbo's and mostly easy eights ?

A battery of M7's and two mortar batteries. This gives enough firepower it seems, and the M7 is a fantastic unit. Very pleased with these.

I'll add M10's when they show up, but otherwise I think I have what i want. The armoured infantry includes 3 37mm guns, which will become 57mm's when available.
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