Thread: Sombre's Mods
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Old March 5th, 2009, 11:09 AM
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Default Re: Sombre's Mods

Originally Posted by llamabeast View Post
Now what would be cool would be a MP game based solely on modded nations - see who comes out on top.
We've had a couple actually!

One thing I wouldn't mind doing when i get some time is trying to devise a points method of creating new nations.
DrPraetorius did this a while ago. I'm not sure how far he got. Personally I'm a bit skeptical that this could work well, being as the balance of a nation is a complex thing, but Dr. P seemed to be going about it in a pretty clever way.
How does MP mod nations work out? Are there any fights and name calling?

I can see how the points thing would be darn difficult - the variables are enourmous...

Wouldn't have a link to the good Dr's work handy?

Going to start myself a Skaven game.
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