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Old April 4th, 2009, 02:45 AM
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Default Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.41

Originally Posted by JimMorrison View Post
Well my take on the Blood summons, is a bit more complicated.

For example, many nations already have trouble getting the large summons cast. They push for it, because although it takes significant effort and expense, the cost/benefit ratio of each cast makes up for the trouble.

With individual casts being dropped so drastically in price (I can see them being -slightly- more efficient than the large spell's base effect), it gives some nations a massive benefit, compared to others. For example Helheim/Vanheim can ultimately make good use of Storm Demons at 2 slaves apiece. Perhaps LA Ulm wants to use Storm Demons, they are relegated to their pretender, and for every 25 Demons that Vanheim is putting out, they are getting 7-8 for the same 50 slaves.

So to reiterate, I'm not saying it's not a good idea to slightly reduce the cost (7 slaves is insane for early game, I agree), but to slash costs by 60-70% on them is rather heavy handed, I think.

Also I was going to mention Leprosy. I don't know what gave the impression that it wasn't useful enough, but I always found it terrifying at 10 Death gems per cast. Hitting large armies with it (they're on the move, so no dome) can do more damage in a short time than almost any other attack. Now at 5 gems, in one game I am getting hit by ~3 per turn, and even units/mages with up to 18 MR are simply no match for it.

(Sorry if I seem overly critical about these things, though I admit, I am extremely bothered by the Leprosy change.)
I'm actually surprised that spell would be made so cheap. I always thought 10 gems was a fine trade, especially with penetration gear. If you hit commanders it makes it much harder to micro, and they can get afflictions which make them drop gear that's buffing spell paths, or makes them so retarded that they can't cast their scripts (mute/feeblemind), or makes them lose an eye so that they have trouble aiming.

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