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Old May 31st, 2009, 03:10 AM
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Default Re: Units with stupid weapon choices

Endoperez: Tridents would be perfectly fine. I was trying to distance them a bit from the wet ones, but there's no real pressing reason for them not to use tridents, except possibly the thematic association of tridents with the sea, which I was a bit concerned with.

P3D, you're right about the spear directing more force along it's single point, but one advantage the trident's three points gives is stability, so that it's easier to center an attack. The trident probably wouldn't be able to penetrate the armour as often, but when it did it would make a much wider and more ragged wound--thus more blood spilled, with a greater chance to clip an artery or puncture an organ. The wound would also be considerably harder to treat medically. Another advantage is-and this is specifically because it doesn't go as deep-a trident would have less of a tendancy to get stuck in an opponent.

I think giving them 7 damage is a bit much, however.

Trident stats, in my opinion, should be more like Dam 4, +1 att/0def.
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