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Old June 29th, 2009, 06:30 AM
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Default Re: OT: Bible Discussion (Split from Real World Sensitivities)

Oh, this thread is still not yet dead? I remember that I started writing a response, then had to abandon it due to lack of time and just saved it in some text file. Let me see how much I need to edit what I wrote now - having read nothing of the latter posts yet.

Originally Posted by SlipperyJim View Post
I never said that you have to change your belief system. I simply asked you to explain it.
I believe in the existance of the God of Israel, or "something" which men have identified as that, his sole existance and that the other religions "got it wrong somehow", I believe that the Bible is not just a fable but, concerning a couple of things, a historical document which aims to collect and preserve what has happened to record it. I believe that Jesus Christ existed, was a real person that lived about 2000 years ago, that he was chosen and exalted by God and did wonders like described in the bible and died for us and that the apotheosis/ascendance happened. I pray the Apostles' Creed and Lord's Prayer. I do not belief in the trinity, because it is something that is not in the Bible, but has been interpreted out of it some centuries later. I think I remember that this popped up during the last few days of the talks that we had before our confirmation, and if the presbyter would have insisted that I adopt this belief, then I would have refused to get confirmed. We settled somewhat for: he doesn't press the issue, and I get my confirmation. Though I have said myself that one shouldn't take the Bible by the word only, finding the right interpretation can go wrong.

I have no use for dogmas like "God is without sin". Man can't comprehend his motives and his existence, so the question if he can sin is useless. I consider myself pretty much nihilist, scepticist, and regarding things like these, agnostic.

Originally Posted by SlipperyJim View Post
The canonical Gospels don't actually differ on any substantive issues. Each Gospel writer picked up a few events that the others missed, which is what you might expect from four different eyewitness accounts. Even so, the Gospels are all in agreement on the "big" things.
Yes, they do. And while I am no first- or second-hand witness myself, I make my interpretations based on my knowledge and ability of judgment based on what they wrote.

Originally Posted by SlipperyJim View Post
I agree. Scriptural interpretation is very important. Of course, the next obvious question is how do you interpret Scripture? Theologians refer to this concept as Biblical hermeneutics.
Well, mostly I can give you "yes" or "no" answers, and the things that I say might even be conflicting. If there wouldn't be room for potential conflicts regarding these things, then everybody would necessarily have to adopt to Christianity. For some reason, that is not the case.

@KO: People have attributed me to the Islamic mindset not only in regards to my views on Jesus and the Bible, but on other views that I pronounced, as well. Well, that doesn't matter to me...
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