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Old September 14th, 2009, 01:49 PM
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Default Re: Sign of the Hammer - A Warhammer Mod Game.

Damn, I'd like to get in on this. Is it all mod nations? I don't care, I just want to be involved in a pure RP game (I hate trying to RP other MP game communications at this point - you start with, "Greetings! We are the slaves of Lord So-and-So the Terrible..." - and wind up reduced to "OK, what booster do you need to cast that Ench-6 spell?" etc.). Especially want to play in a game with "real" diplomacy, meaning nothing that is binding (No, "sorry Hitler, you agreed to that NAP-3 with Stalin, so no Barbarossa until Winter of 42 for you!").

Plus a small, cozy 6 player game seems nice right about now

Don't know squat about "Itza", but I'd happily take them for a spin.

Oh, almost forgot, "Hammer Time".
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