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Old February 21st, 2010, 03:15 AM

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Default Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game

The Benevolent Glug scoffs at such shameless propaganda.

This "call to arms" is nothing more than a "call to conquest," a measure intending no doubt to enslave the long-suffering people of Atlantis and our allies the Amber Clan

Land dwellers! Make no mistake! Whatever effort you put into helping Oceania will be a waste because the result will be the same: there can be only one ruler of the seas.

The bureaucrats of Oceania are only concerned about their own survival, their warning of doom is without merit; the power they claim to fear is the power that they SEEK.

So Glug, The Invincible God will sends forth this proclamation:

Those who side with Oceania now will find themselves relentlessly raided by Atlantians and our allied peoples.

However, those who ignore the pitiful pleas of Oceania and render them no aid will be receive an NAP10 from Atlantis and perhaps the friendship of the Seas in any future wars.

- Faella, Prophet of Glug, the Big, Squishy and yet somehow Invincible Power
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