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Old March 16th, 2010, 04:41 PM

LumenPlacidum LumenPlacidum is offline
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Default Re: Favourite Wishes

Wish is THE final word in filling in for whatever you need. It's expensive, but will get you ANYTHING to some degree. A wish is well-used if it's getting you something you couldn't get otherwise. A true supercombatant when you have no death or national ones, for example. Wishing for gems is smart so long as your need isn't restricted to a few different types (if all the gems you can use are astral, death, and nature, then it's a waste to wish for gems since you get a better rate of exchange on the gems you can use just by alchemizing the 100 pearls in the first place).

As Ich says, wishing for an artifact is great since that's frequently the only way open to you to obtain the artifact.

Many of the choices really are vain, and should not be used, even when they're beneficial.

Wishing for strength, for the most part, is a waste. The mage who can get to S9 is probably not SC material, so all the stat boosts (except maybe the extra hp) are pretty useless.
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