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Old March 29th, 2010, 12:34 PM
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Stagger Lee Stagger Lee is offline
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Default Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]

Hey guys. The second Thain of Tir na n'Og here. My predecessor was not acquainted with the theory of clamming. When I took the reins on turn 70 or so, we had some gems in reserve, but we were generating one earth gem/turn by bloodstone with no clams or fetishes. By the time of the tournament, we were getting more than 40 pearls/turn via clams, and a dozen or so fetshes. Blood slaves were impossible for me to come by. I kept hoping for my small random chance mages to produce a blood hunter or two, but I should have traded for them.

On the turn before the tournament, I got to cast my first wish. I wished for a cyclops. I got one, non tartarian, and not a leader. Should have looked at the list. I had been pumping out tarts for 6 turns by then. All bad. My best was a limp cyclops that I GoR'd anyway, and he was working his way to the front with an impressive (to my mind) army. I know I was well behind most of the leaders. Blood was off the table, and death was rare. I had Tarrasques, and that Eater, and an Air Queen.

Marverni and I were in discussions, and though I probably wouldn't have been much help, he would not have stood alone against the rest of you. A doomed campaign against Lanka would have been interesting, and hopefully fun. But against Van too? No, the tournament was the only chance.

When I subbed in, I'd only had the game a little more than a month, and I'd never seen turn 70 in MP. I found all of this new and fun, and I did what I was there to do - nobody got free provinces while I was watching. Thanks for the game, and the chance to try some things I'd never been able to before.

btw:I don't mean to knock Iron Duke, wherever he went. I think he did remarkably well without gem gens in this sort of game. My position was solid, and the nation is not a traditional power.

Last edited by Stagger Lee; March 29th, 2010 at 12:42 PM..
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