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Old July 16th, 2010, 09:23 PM

Brian61 Brian61 is offline
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Default Re: DAR: GE Long campaign - small core

KG Krafft, 4 Sept 1939

Current status: during a brief halt for resupply and repair, some of the Kampfgruppe's missing equipment arrived, consisting of the commander's panzer [a PzKfz IIIb/d(s)] and a half dozen motorcycles [conversion of two Spaehtrupp units to 3xBeiwagenKrad units]. Also at this time, division released a troop of armored cars [3x SdKfz 221s] to be attached to the KG for the remainder of the Fall Weiss operation.

Current orders: KG Krafft is to spearhead the XIX Corp's drive towards the Vistula river. A company of motorized panzergrenadiers from the 3rd PanzerGrenadier Regiment is attached to KG Krafft for the duration of the operation. Artillery support will be provided by division [one of the division's 10.5cm batteries is assumed to be within range of KG Krafft's FEBA during most of the operation].

Situation: On the afternoon of 4 September 1939, KG Krafft encounters a battalion of Polish infantry blocking its path while moving along a secondary road through a lightly wooded area. [Meeting engagement, Visibility 52, length 37] The armored car troop leads the advance along the road followed closely by a platoon of PzIIc's. Motorcycle and motorcycle mounted recon elements are deployed to the north and south of the road respectively, each followed by a platoon of PzIb's. The remainder of KG Krafft is following in march order [all deployed on the westernmost road hex 1,21].

Plan of battle: Search and destroy operation until primary objectives are under control. Concentrated armor will be the primary instrument, engaging only in open terrain. The PzGr Kp will be held in reserve until enemy armor is contained and the first wave of enemy infantry is routed. Thereafter, the PzGr Kp will be deployed to sweep wooded areas as necessary. Artillery will be used primarily for counterbattery fire.

Execution: An unexpectedly large interdictory bombardment upon the road from three 75mm batteries falls amongst the PzIIc's, the platoon leader orders the platoon to accelerate through the targetted area hoping to break into the clear before any of the vehicles are seriously damaged. The trailing elements of KG Krafft leave the road heading southwest. In a fortunate turn of events, a Lufftwaffe observer aircraft attached to XIX Corp spots a gun of one of the 75mm batteries and counter battery fire from a 10.5cm battery at extreme range inflicts minor damage but likely major panic upon the spotted battery.

First contact occurs about fifteen minutes after the artillery bombardment; the armored car troop engaged and routed a calvary unit on the east/west road. The main body continues to move southeast and Obrstlt Krafft orders the Panzer Kp to shift into a move to contact formation with the two PzIb platoons forward. The motorcycle recon elements are ordered to slow their advance and find good observation locations. The infantry recon element, now dismounted, creeps into position on the centermost hill.

Nearly half an hour into the engagement, recon reports a platoon of TP-7s to the far southwest, enemy infantry movement north of the east/west road and enemy infantry southwest of the centermost hill. The armored car troop withdraws south after engaging additional calvary units along the road just as a local 75mm battery and 81mm mortar battery begin shelling their position. The northernmost PzIb platoon is ordered into ambush position along the east/west road to the east of the initial engagement point just beyond the area being shelled. The southernmost PzIb platoon is ordered into position to intercept the central infantry movement, while the PzIIc platoon races to join the command PzIIIb/d(s)'s and the PzIVb's. Oberstlt Krafft orders the PzGr Kp to maneuver into a central position just beyond enemy direct fire/observation range should the situation develop to favor deployment.

Enemy shelling and smoke reduces visibility along the road, spoiling any possibility of a favorable ambush so the northernmost PzIb platoon is ordered southeast in an attempt to catch the central infantry movement in a crossfire. Motorcycle recon elements attempt to maintain visual contact with enemy units while falling back to less exposed positions. The armored car troop breaks contact with enemy calvary and attempts to encircle them in order to spot what troops, if any, are behind them.

As the encounter develops further, the PzGr Kp is ordered to dismount and assume defensive positions in the wooded areas south of the road and east of the central hill. Enemy infantry advances seem to be concentrated in the center and northern regions and additional calvary is spotted to the south. Oberstlt Krafft decides to use his PzIb's and armored cars to deny enemy movement through the open areas while remaining beyond effective antitank rifle range and grenade range. The TP-7's turn northward towards the southern side of the south/central hill, one PzIIc manages to fire a few flank shots at one TP-7 but no damage is observed. The PzIVb platoon races towards the northeastern slope of the southcentral hill hoping to drop off the security force infantry [the only infantry with effective antitank weapons] on the reverse slope. The KG's mortars are moved into firing position for counter battery fire upon the local 75mm battery.

As the armor vs armor battle develops in the south, one TP-7 is destroyed and another immobilized, unfortunately the cost was heavy; Obrgfrtr Hoffmann [PzIIc platoon commander] and his crew were lost to enemy fire and Hptmann Rittenhaus's vehicle sustained serious damage [Pz Kp commander]. Fortunately Hptmann Rittenhaus's PzIIIb/d(s) was still capable of maneuver and withdrew successfully. Elsewhere, enemy infantry is routed by long range machinegun fire along the entire central front and mostly halted south of the road.

Enemy infantry arrived too late to support the TP-7 platoon in the south, only one TP-7 survives. Enemy artillery falls on the truck park, two trucks suffer damage but none destroyed. Dismounted PzGr troops continue advancing in the north against little opposition as the enemy infantry continues to fall before long range machinegun fire. One and a half hours after initial contact, all points of interest are under KG Krafft control and all known enemy units have been rendered combat ineffective. Sporadic enemy artillery fire claims a PzIb with loss of all crew, otherwise casualties have been light.

After a short mop up operation around the southern hill, all armored units are ordered to defensive positions overwatching the approaches to the objective areas while infantry sweeps wooded areas along the roads. Several weak local counter attacks are mounted but no significant threat develops. Sporadic shelling continues to fall for another hour requiring several position shifts but is otherwise ineffective.

The battle ends in a decisive victory, Guderian's drive to the Vistula will not be stopped!

Last turn attached as zip file. Thanks for reading!
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File Type: zip KG Krafft battle (119.9 KB, 663 views)

Last edited by Brian61; July 16th, 2010 at 09:39 PM.. Reason: additional info and cleanup of line endings
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