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Old April 25th, 2011, 02:23 PM

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Fallout Re: International Defence Green and White Papers

The news from the LW+:

There just has been so much going on so my apolizies, as I've gotten behind. The underlying theme remains the same defence and program cuts. This is the new reality. And if the U.S. should come close to or actually allows it to default for even a short time it could trigger a world wide recession. I don't think it'll happen but the possibility is certainly there if people decide to play politics over the realities of the situation. The only upside I see is that certain people like myself will have less work for Don and Andy to do, well don't celebrate yet it's almost time to get my first PP for 2011/2012 started!?!
Anyway here we go:

1. A snapshot on the UK defence industry. Like what happened to the RAF HARRIERS where several hundred million dollars was spent on system upgrades in the last five years or so of service, could the same fate face the GR.4 TORANDOS? The F3 version was just retired.

2. The USA harvesting tech from cancelled programs to better existing ones i.e. NLOS 155mm to the PALADIN PIM.

3. The "new", old threats and options to counter it for the U.S.

4. Something we do in recruiting as well to a lesser extent, but a major tool for Al Qaeda. An interesting perspective.,0

5. This is a good one how the law and defence budget is guided by it, these are the type of reports the SECDEF and Congress looks at to determine the future of programs. The highlights SLAMRAAM completes development with FMTV Launcher and is shelved until we need it, MEADS to complete developmental phase until
FY 2014 (Oct. 2013.), SECNAV ordered to smoothly shutdown and cancel the EFV and the F-35 is at a "critical" over budget limit. I'll have more on it in the JETS and PLANES... thread but, the F-35 is delayed further as announced by the program manager until the end of 2016 this could put back the operational date to 2018.

6. SECDEF has been directed by the President to further find defence spending cuts above what is being done to this point already as announced on 6 Jan. 2011. These additional cuts are to go through 2023. Though the article does not provide for how much of the 400 billion is to come from defence, the national media has already reported estimates as high as 200 billion more in cuts.

7. Germany arguably the strongest economy in Europe is facing the reality of the economic crisis in it's military as well.

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