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Old June 2nd, 2011, 11:42 AM

Ghill Ghill is offline
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Default Turn 15: Epiphany.

So, last night I had an epiphany. My entire national strategy changes, and so did all of my scheming. We'll just say that I realized I have a lot of Death 1 mages, and a lot of archers.

Also, there is NO WAY I am going to try and outbid Hinnom for air gems. I am, however, now interested in fire gems. I have excess blood slaves, and some nature gems if anyone is willing to trade.

Unfortunately for you AfroSquirrel, hyper aggressive neighbors is the price of being one of the two most powerful nations in the world. You and Mictlan are going to get a LOT of grief, no one will want to risk you getting stronger. I suppose you could both team up to conquer the world, then go to war when only two remain...but I am sure that won't happen.
I mod because I love it.

All hail Fury the (aptly named) Great Hawk.
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