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Old June 11th, 2011, 10:35 AM
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MartialDoctor MartialDoctor is offline
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Default The Art of War - EA Vanilla Newbs Game 8/8 (Completed : Hinnom - Nightfall Wins)

Figured I'd start up a newb game here. I've played a few (3) games myself and would like to keep this game to those who have only played a few themselves (let's say 4 or 5 maximum).

Age - EA
Map - Land of Legends (found here)
Turns - 24 hours until turn 21, then 48 hours until turn 50, and 72 hours after that.
Mods - None
Graphs off, Indies 6
Victory Conditions - Last standing or until all remaining players resign (except for the victor of course)
Diplomacy - I don't want there to be a forced diplomacy rule but I want to encourage NAPs and sticking to them.
Players - 8

The only thing I ask of players is to stay in the game until you have been completely defeated. You can always have fun going out swinging. If you must, find a sub. And please do not set the AI on yourself.

I plan on hosting it on llamaserver as long as that's not an issue.

I hope we can have an interesting and fun newb game here.


MartialDoctor - Tien Chi
LongBrodie - Maverni (Eliminated Turn 37)
Talrivian - Tir na nog (Eliminated Turn 30)
Excist - Caelum
SpaceViking21 - Niefelheim
Thanatus del Dragos - Fomoria
The Kurgan - Ulm (Eliminated Turn 37)
Nightfall - Hinnom

Edit: Due to request, this game has been changed to vanilla.

Last edited by MartialDoctor; October 15th, 2011 at 03:28 AM..
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