Thread: Etherealness
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Old September 29th, 2011, 01:03 PM
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Default Re: Etherealness

Originally Posted by Gurthang View Post
I would like to understand what are the exact effects of being ethereal. Does it only afford protection against non-magical attacks? To the extent that a wizard donning a Robe of Shadows is like naked in front of hostile spells and magic attacks, and should be protected through a different armor?

All help appreciated!
Essentially, it means 75% of normal melee and missile attacks will be ignored. So, its very helpful on a thug or a super combatant that expects to fight line troops or independents. However, it won't help against any magic attack. Almost all (or maybe all) forged weapons count as magic, as the do most spells. There are a handful of spells that cause "mundane" damage that could be neutralized by Etherealness, but I think those are mostly Earth Magic.

The Robe of Shadows is one of those pieces of equipment I don't think gets much use. Back row mages don't benefit much from etherealness since they shouldn't be fighting line troops. Meanwhile, thugs and SCs benefit more from armor that grants protection to say nothing of the extra benefits of Hyrda Armor (regen), Rainbow Armor (revig and MR), Copper Armor (shock immunity), Jade Armor (Quickess), etc.
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