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Old May 23rd, 2012, 09:26 PM
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Samhain Samhain is offline
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Default Re: Faded Magic - No diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic, Monsters & Dragons! - Recruiting

I'll try to post the bit of backstory by the time we start. I don't plan on doing any testing anyway, so I'll have the time. I tend to find testing does me more harm than good. I always get easy indies and awesome unexpected events then have the opposite luck when the real game starts. Since getting a taste of multiplayer, I no longer have any interest in single player regardless.

Once we get going, I can't make any promises about story updates, at least not before the final conclusion.

As for Eriu, along with its early age cousin and Last of the Tuatha in Dom2, there is probably no nation that I've played more. Though, I haven't played them otherwise in any forum game, just once I think in one of those dom3minions fast turn games where I got smeared. Pretty much all of that experience with them has been in single player.

I didn't worry much about strategy when I played single player and many of my games ended with the last dozen or so Sidhe Champion heroes marching off together for their final, tragic battle.

As you might guess from the name, I am kind of fond of Irish mythology. For the same reason, I've probably played Fomoria in more multi-player games than any other nation.

As for the Nations game, I was happy to let Buzzsaw keep my position as I've been trying to get him back into playing. We used to play with a couple of other co-workers. Since our desks are about five feet from each other, he let me see many of his turns so I could sort of keep playing vicariously through him. It was actually a lot of fun.
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