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Old May 20th, 2013, 05:29 AM

AMX AMX is offline
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Default Re: Rate of fire question

Originally Posted by gila View Post
As in the Stuart for example*(my favourite),it only fires it's main gun at med.or long range until it gets close,say 6 hexs or so,then lets loose with all guns.
Sometimes i just turn off the main gun(to save HE ammo) so the the mg's can have some suppression effect on infrantry because an 37 mm HE is just a pea shooter at long range.
I've gotten used to it, but you would think tankers in a unbutton status, mg's would have a greater range than just 6 hexs
That's intentional, and not the issue Uncle_Joe is talking about.
Check Mobhack's post - there's an experience test involved (although in my experience, the result is so consistent that you can treat it as a fixed cut-off).

The problem here is that, if the secondary weapons have the same number of shots available as the main gun, they will not fire their last shot (even if the range is short enough that they should).

I distinctly remember that this used to be a problem, but was fixed several patches ago - apparently, it's back.
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