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Old July 21st, 2013, 10:47 AM
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Default Re: WIP Campaign "Kampfgruppe Weber"

Final battle

--------Spoilers below -----------

Turn 00, KG Weber strength:

HQ track (PzKw II Luchs)
Ari VB

PzGren Kp Kronz
-HQ Section
-PzGren-Zug Kruase (one pzgren section of 6 men)
-PzGren-Zug Kessler (two pzgren sections of a total of 8 men (3+5), one opel truck, not a scratch on it.


Pz-Zug Schneider(two fully operational Panthers, one damaged)
Pz-Zug Langkeit (one fully operational Jpz IV and one damaged PzIVh)

MG-Zug Scherrer (three MMG sections)

Turn 01-08, British scout teams probe the defences at the bridge. Truck mounted British infantry appear on the centre Ridge. Mortar and 25 pdr's bombard the bridge defences. Infantry and Churchill tanks attack. Despite trying to mask the movement to the bridge by KG Weber, British infantry fire upon the opel Truck. Kessler is killed. American infantry attacks from the opposite direction of the British. Caught in a pincer. The King Tiger knocks out three Churchill tanks.

Turn 09-15, American infantry attack also against the bridge. American tanks show up but run into fire from the deadly Panther crews (now veteran). British infantry reaches the bridge and their 6 pounders claim both the un-damaged Panther tanks. Schneider is killed. The last PzIVh is taken out by 6 pdr fire. Mortar fire kills the last opel.

Weber makes it across the bridge.

The last Panhter makes it across.

Langkeit in the JpzIV makes it to the bridge with our Ari VB.

Kronz, Krause and Scherrer are stuck on the wrong side. There's no hope for them. They all fall or surrender.

Allied artillery pounds the small German pocket. A Bazooka team knocks out the King Tiger on the bridge.

Turn 14-19, the far end (one VH) is defended by what remains of KG Weber - Webers own Luchs, the Ari VB team, one damaged Panther and the JpzIV.

The game ends on turn 19 when the last VH falls to allied infantry crossing the bridge.


The last scenario is hard. I tried to set up a small bridgehead from where I intended to burn the attacking AI forces, which failed. I then had to rush whatever could get across the bridge and try to hold the enemy off from the other side which failed too. I had only four untis left of the entire KG at the end, and only one - Langkeit's JpzIV/48 F1 was undamaged (this unit was also the only to achieve elite status, with 28 kills).

I managed to kill a fair number of AI infantry units but did not face the majority of American tanks because of the game ending before these could get into action.
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