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Old July 3rd, 2017, 08:03 AM
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Default Re: Misc. Icons and Pics

Originally Posted by oragus View Post
Well, if you want a good laugh, here you go. Here is how the PC crashed. I was cleaning the dust out of the CPU fans and cooling fins. Being a Dad of 3 girls, I got called away for a minute. Came back and caught my dog peeing in my open case and he fried the whole thing! I tried salvaging what I could, but the HDs wouldn't work when I connected them to my replacement PC.

My external HD, shortly after that incident stopped working. I took it in to get fixed and I was informed the internal components failed and it would need to be rebuilt so it would spin the disc for data extraction. $1200 price tag!
Don't laugh. It almost happened to me, thanks to once again, Dogs!

I took my dogs out for a walk, and when I got back I turned on the kitchen sink to give them some fresh water -- hot and humid outside.

I go away thinking I've turned off the water. About 20 minutes later, my roomie comes by and starts yelling at me. Turns out I didn't turn the water off. The sink had filled up and flooded over onto the kitchen floor.

I curse, get the wet\dry shop vac and start vacuuming up water. Once that's done, I go downstairs to see if any flooded down. BAD NEWS, I find that it flooded down into the basement...including my computer room.

I frantically remove everything of importance....

To make a long story short, I got really lucky and only lost

A Keyboard that had gotten dripped onto -- replaced with a spare.

Tentatively estimated casualties:

Uninterruptible Power Supply, have to assume it's bad. It was near the splash radius with an open grid for cooling on top.

SD Card Reader. Was Soaked, will not even attempt to use it anymore. as I can't risk data corruption.

My dignity -- Roomate was pissed.

Lessons for future situations:

1.) Avoid cases with open grilles on the top. While great for cooling, they can admit water from above. Nothing happened...THIS TIME. but Lesson learned for a future PC build.

2.) Backups need to be in a totally different structure. My backups, which I made two weeks ago before I went on a one week long vacation at the beach (I was afraid of someone stealing my computer while I was gone for a whole week), were located inside a drawer in the same room that was slightly flooded. I'll have to get a safe deposit box offsite at a bank for backups.
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