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Old May 31st, 2007, 06:17 PM

Saint_Dude Saint_Dude is offline
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Default Re: Intercepting Armies

If 2 armies are moving toward each other, assuming they intercept, is it completely random which province the fight occurs in?

Perhaps bigger armies move more slowly, so the eventual fight is likely to occur in the prov that originally held the bigger army. Or perhaps terrain slows the movement of troops, so the fight is more likely to occur in the prov with the most rugged terrain. Or perhaps the fight is more likely to occur in the prov of the army with the slowest troops.

Whatever the game mechanic, is it possible to skew the result (i.e. which province the fight occurs in) by preemptively attacking an opponents prov with ritual summons? In other words, is there any way to delay an opponents army (ever so slightly) such that if both of your armies are moving towards each other, the fight is more likely to occur in the opponents prov than your own?
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